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The Zimbabwe School Health Policy (ZSHP) provides a broad frame of reference to guide the implementation of a number of health related issues relating to the welfare of learners in the school system, such as health and nutrition,education services, water, sanitation and hygiene, needs of learners with disabilities, mental health, sexual and reproductive health concerns, and the care and support provisions as well as guidance and counseling needs of all learners.
The aim of this report is to inform policy-makers and practitioners at EU, national, regional and local level on the most effective strategies and practices for preventing bullying and violence in schools across the EU. It examines evidence from European and international research, reviews national practices and the work of civil society organisations with regard to school bullying and violence.
The study explores the role and contribution of education in developing a localized and relevant HIV/AIDS prevention strategy through a multi-voiced approach, involving the educational institutions, as well as the traditional leaders, community-members, including parents. The study comprised all public schools in one Zambian province from 2002-2008. The study explores, among other factors, the role of traditional culture in mitigating and exacerbating the spread of the disease. …
This compendium of case studies and case stories has been compiled to demonstrate examples of cooperation between (1) the health and education sectors and (2) the health and social sectors within the WHO European Region. The purpose of the compendium is to serve as a tool to support countries in implementing appropriate intersectoral policies and interventions to improve the health and well-being of children and adolescents and mitigate health inequalities among children. …
The primary focus of this report is to highlight innovative ways school systems - particularly persistently low-achieving school districts with high teen birth rates - and public agencies and community-based organizations that oversee teen pregnancy prevention programs are working together with the common goal of helping students avoid too-early pregnancy and parenthood and complete their high school education. …
This handbook is part of a series of materials on Engaging Communities in CSE to help communities to better understand and support comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) and youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services for children and young people in- and out-of-school. The handbook provides information for parents, caregivers, community leaders, youth group and religious leaders, community members, teachers and others involved in the welfare and development of children. …
This booklet is part of a multi-piece toolkit entitled 'Engaging Communities in Comprehensive Sexuality Education'. The toolkit has been developed to provide practical information and advice to community members on how to support children and young people to access appropriate sexuality, HIV and AIDS information and services – to promote improved access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) amongst young people and support their better health outcomes. …
This manual is part of a multi-piece toolkit entitled 'Engaging Communities in Comprehensive Sexuality Education'. This toolkit has been developed to provide practical information and advice to community members on how to support children and young people to access appropriate sexuality, HIV and AIDS information and services – to promote improved access to comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) amongst young people and support their better health outcomes. …
The Department of Education Circular 2013/16 requires every school to have an up-to-date written policy on how it will address the delivery of Relationships and Sexuality Education. This guidance offers advice for schools on how to develop and review their policy.
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety's Sexual Health Strategy identified Relationships and Sexuality Education as a priority in improving the sexual health and well-being of young people. This guidance highlights the significant role that schools can play in helping and encouraging young people to make informed, responsible decisions about their relationships and sexual health.whole.
This report evaluates current practice in the aspects of health and wellbeing that are the responsibility of all staff and adults who work with learners. It identifies good practice and highlights important areas for further discussion and development. The report comes at a time when Scottish schools are taking forward Curriculum for Excellence and the findings reflect this changing landscape. Curriculum for Excellence provides a strong focus on health and wellbeing. …
This guide provides introductory information for schools on alcohol and other drug education (AoD) programmes.This guide focuses mainly on two contexts for AoD education programmes for young people: school-wide health promotion activities; and curriculum teaching and learning programmes in the health and physical education (HPE) learning area. Other contexts for AoD education programmes are early intervention for a student to reduce use or reduce harm, and multi-dimensional approaches involving both school and community. …
A comprehensive, holistic approach encourages each school to look at its whole school community and develop an environment and culture that promote healthy ways of living. A Comprehensive School Health framework combines four main elements: Health Education, Health and Support Services, Social Support and the Physical Environment. It involves the active participation of all members of the school community in creating action plans that make their school a healthier place. …
The Foundations for a Healthy School resource is designed to help contribute to a learning environment that promotes and supports child and student well-being – one of the four core goals in Ontario’s renewed vision for education. This goal emphasizes the need to focus not just on academic success, but also on the whole child and student – their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development. The research is clear: healthy students are better prepared to learn, and education is a key determinant of health.
The purpose of the manual is to help teachers to have a better understanding of the presentation of Life Skills as a subject. The main target users of this manual are School Counsellors, Life Skills Teachers and Subject Heads. This manual mainly deals with the presentation of topics in Life Skills in the Senior Secondary Phase.