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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Association between literacy and self-rated poor health in 33 high-and upper-middle-income countries

    We assess the relationship between general literacy skills and health status by analysing data from the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), an international survey of about 250 000 adults aged 16-65 years conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) from 2011-15 in 33 countries/national sub-regions. Across countries, there seems to be a strong and consistent association between general literacy proficiency and self-rated poor health, independent of prior socio-economic status and income. …

  2. An Effective, Low-cost Approach to Implementing HIV/AIDS Education Programs in Low Literacy Populations: An Example from Rural Haiti

    The HIV/AIDS pandemic disproportionately afflicts regions of the world that have minimal access to formal schooling and low literacy rates. Health educational interventions are difficult to evaluate efficiently in these settings because standard approaches such as written questionnaires cannot easily be employed. Here, we describe a novel method of rapidly assessing health interventions among large groups that does not require the ability to read or write. …

  3. Education and Nonuse of Contraceptives Among Poor Women in Chiapas, Mexico

    Context: Relatively little is known about how poverty and illiteracy affect women's decisions to adopt contraception, specifically their likelihood of never having practiced contraception. Methods: A random sample of 883 women in union aged 15-49 living in the Border Region of the Mexican state of Chiapas were interviewed in 1994 as part of a regional survey of reproductive health. …

  4. Policy on the development and implementation of a national life skills curriculum for personal development and employment enhancement. A Green Paper

    This National Policy on the Development and Implementation of a National Life Skills Curriculum for Personal Development and Employment Enhancement sets guidelines for Life Skills development in keeping with Trinidad and Tobago's national strategic plan. In pursuit of the national strategic priorities aimed at "nurturing a caring society" and "developing innovative people" this policy seeks to impact major social issues facing the country, such as poverty, illiteracy, HIV/AIDS, unemployment and crime. …

  5. Improving the reproductive health of sub-Saharan Africa's youth: a route to achieve the Millennium Development Goals

    This chartbook aims to provide policymakers, program managers, and the interested public in sub-Saharan Africa and around the world with a better understanding of the needs and experiences of youth in the region and how investments in youth can help achieve the MDGs. The data is drawn primarily from the Demographic and Health Surveys.

  6. The challenge of youth

    Ce document fait partie d'une série de livret élaboré par l'UNESCO dans le cade du Projet Spécial UNESCO/DANIDA pour les femmes et les filles en Afrique. Ces livrets sont destinés aux femmes néo-alphabétisées et aux filles non scolarisées. Cependant, les messages contenus dans les histoires peuvent être utilisés comme matériels pédagogiques de lecture supplémentaire au sein du système formel pour les lecteurs des deux sexes. Les sujets des livrets, basés sur les évaluations des besoins, reflètent un large éventail de besoins et de conditions des femmes d'Afrique sub-saharienne. …

  7. From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda

    From Schooling Access to Learning Outcomes: An Unfinished Agenda, An Evaluation of World Bank Support to Primary Education is a document made by the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank Group in 2006. The goals of evaluation are to learn from experience, to provide an objective basis for assessing the results of the Bank Group's work, and to provide accountability in the achievement of its objectives. It also improves Bank Group work by identifying and disseminating the lessons learned from experience and by framing recommendations drawn from evaluation findings. …

  8. The contemporary management of growing up and sexual maturation: the role of the primary school in Kenya

    The purpose of this document is to portray an accurate picture of the challenges faced by pre-pubescent young people in Kenya as they enter into adulthood and to reveal the misconceptions and myths about growing up, as well as the negative impact of these myths on the educational needs of marginalized children. This book arises from the work carried out by the Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) programme on basic competencies and information on growing up and sexual maturation (GUSM) in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe in 2000. …

  9. UNGASS AIDS forum. South Africa: Monitoring UNGASS-AIDS goals on sexual and reproductive health

    This report is part of a bigger international effort through which NGOs from sixteen countries have collected strategic data on sexual and reproductive health and rights based on the goals in the 2001 UNGASS Declaration. The purpose of the study was to identify gaps and progresses in the implementation of activities addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

  10. Rwanda: study of literacy needs and programmes for youth and adults

    This study ordered by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Scientific Research of Rwanda, had four components. 1. Review of relevant documentation. 2. Meetings and consultations with various stakeholders. 3. Field visits to selected sites in various provinces and districts, in urban and rural areas. 4. A survey of adult literacy needs and desires and ongoing programme experience, which was the main component of the study.

  11. Rapport de l'atelier de validation du programme d'alphabétisation en Tshiluba

    L'atelier de validation du programme d'alphabétisation en Tshiluba qui a accueilli 21 participants provenant des Ministères des Affaires Sociales et de la Jeunesse, des ONGs et ASBL privées, avait pour but de présenter la nouvelle politique d'alphabétisation. En effet, jusqu'ici l'alphabétisation classique ou traditionnelle était appliquée alors que les apprenants adultes réclamaient un programme plus consistant permettant d'améliorer les conditions de vie. …

  12. Handbook for literacy and non-formal education facilitators in Africa

    Presently 50% of the adult population is illiterate in 17 of African countries (Benin, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal and Sierra-Leone). This handbook prepared by a group of experts constitutes the first step towards developing a holistic regional resource package for capacity building of NFE personnel in Africa. …

  13. Role of faith based organisations in adult education in Kenya

    The workshop on the 'Role of Faith-Based Organisations in Adult Education' was convened with support from UNESCO from 6th - 7th, July 2004.The purpose was to sensitise and mobilise support for the national literacy survey and build consensus on ways of revamping adult education and literacy programmes. …

  14. Rapport de l'atelier de validation du programme d'alphabétisation en Kikongo

    Le programme présenté lors de l'atelier d'avril 2006, en Kikongo, propose une alphabétisation fonctionnelle conscientisante qui aide les adultes à lire, écrire et calculer en vue d'améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Par le biais des images, des croquis, des contes, les adultes analysent les problèmes qu'ils vivent dans leur milieu et essaient d'y apporter des solutions.

  15. Adolescent girls literacy initiative for reproductive health (a GIFT for RH)

    The goal of "GIFT for RH" project is to increase the ability of illiterate and out-of-school adolescent girls aged 10-19 living in remote regions of Nepal to make and act on informed decisions regarding their reproductive health and rights as well as to make the community and their peers aware of the same, by the girls' participating in Lalima literacy classes given in Adolescent Girls' Groups (AGGs). The programme was implemented by Aamaa Milan Kendra (Mothers' Club) with technical and financial support from Centre for Development and Population Activities (CEDPA). …


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