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UNESCO Office in Bangkok developed this Training of Teachers Manual with Southeast Asian Ministers of ‘Education Organisation, Regional Network in Tropical Medicine and Public Health (SEAMEO TROPMED) under the project on “Quality Improvement of the Curriculum and Teaching-Learning Materials on Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Drug Abuse in Asia and the Pacific” funded by UNESCO and Trust Fund from Japan. …
Background: South Asia has a large proportion of young people in the world and teenage pregnancy has emerged as one of the major public health problem among them. The objective of this study is to systematically review to identify the risk factors associated with teenage pregnancy in South Asian countries. Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE, EMBASE and CINAHL database (1996 to April 2007) and web-based information. Inclusion criteria were the English-language papers available in the UK and describing teenage pregnancy in South Asia. …
This paper examines how policies and strategies to address school-related gender-based violence have evolved since 2000, when gender-based violence within education was largely invisible. It traces remarkable progress in research, policy and programmes, particularly since the mid-2000s when evidence around the globe exposed high levels of many forms of violence. However, there is still insufficient knowledge about what works to reduce violence, and weaknesses in processes of policy enactment which inhibit effective action. …
This paper engages in the debate on the effects of children’s health on their education in later life stages in low- and middle-income countries. Using three rounds from the rich panel data of the Young Lives study in Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam, it endorses a multidimensional approach to health (and poverty in general). …
WASH in Schools (WinS) fosters social inclusion and individual self-respect. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, it empowers all students – and especially encourages girls and female teachers. In recognition of the positive impact on girls’ school attendance and achievement, initiatives around the world are addressing adolescent girls’ menstrual hygiene management (MHM) needs through WinS programming. …
This rapid situation analysis examines the national and selected States’ pictures of SHN and was conducted taking the internationally agreed pillars of FRESH into consideration and using mixed methods of literature review, secondary data analysis, and primary qualitative data analysis from key informant interviews with both national and State-level SHN practitioners and policymakers. …
One in five children worldwide does not complete upper-primary school, with particularly high drop-out rates among pubescent-age girls that may limit economic opportunities and perpetuate gender inequality. This paper tests whether educational attainment is stymied by endemically inadequate school sanitation that threatens children's health, privacy, and safety. …
There is increasing interest in exploring and addressing the menstrual hygiene management (MHM) barriers facing schoolgirls and female teachers in educational settings. Around the globe, WASH in Schools (WinS) focuses on fostering social inclusion and individual self-respect – and addresses MHM as a key agenda. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, integrating MHM into WinS empowers all students, and especially encourages girls and female teachers. …
This publication provides a background in the risks faced by populations especially vulnerable to HIV and AIDS. The document outlines strategies effective in prevention of HIV and AIDS among sex workers, men who have sex with other men, and injecting drug users. Programs described include peer education, comprehensive health services and quality of treatment, provider referral networks, and in-service training and sensitization.
This paper estimates the association between HIV knowledge and risky sexual behavior in India. Using data from the third wave of the national demographic survey, the authors find that better HIV related knowledge does not always promote safer sexual practices. While, better HIV knowledge increases the likelihood of condom use, it also increases the likelihood of pre-marital sex, and reduces the likelihood of abstinence. These effects are much stronger for males when compared to females. …
Policy-makers who are making decisions on sexuality education programs face important economic questions: what are the costs of developing sexuality education programs; and what are the costs of implementing and scaling them up? This study responds to these questions by assessing the costs of six school-based sexuality education programs (Nigeria, Kenya, Indonesia, India, Estonia and the Netherlands). Cost analyses were carried out in schools that were fully implementing a SE program, as this best reflects the resources needed to run an effective program. …
Stigmatizing attitudes towards people living with HIV (PLHIV) are common among young people. Yet there are few opportunities for youth to be exposed to interventions that address the key drivers of stigma and discrimination, namely lack of awareness of stigma and its harmful consequences, social judgment and fear of infection through casual contact. This project demonstrated that higher education can be an effective entry point for stigma reduction, by working with several groups and environments, in this case the faculty, students and college. …
This manual is addressed to all stakeholders concerned with school health. The School Health Policy and presently the Manual proposes to view health holistically, utilize all educational opportunities for health promotion including formal and informal approaches in curriculum pedagogy. The school health policy concerns the Central Board of Secondary Education and its affiliated schools and educational organizations. It should provide useful information to the community sector and other organizations that also have an interest in engaging in school based health initiatives.
India is amongst the top 10 countries in the world currently with the highest burden of pregnant women living with HIV and nearly 80% of these women do not recieve antiretroviral treatement drugs to prevent parent-to-child transmission. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study in which women were interviewed in Tamil Nadu to estimate HIV-infected women's awarness of PTCT and knowledge of ARVs as a measure to prevent PTCT. The results of the study are that 18.8% of the women with HIV interviewed had not heard of PTCT and 40% did not know that ARVs could prevent PTCT. …
This animated tutorial is a female pliot version that has been designed for the English speaking population in India. It is formally approved by the Indian National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO), and is being distributed in India. All formats available for free download at: