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This guide on positive prevention was developed to assist people living with HIV, service providers and policy makers to understand, promote and implement appropriate rights-based strategies for addressing the prevention needs of people living with HIV. The guide includes sections which focus on action points and provides useful information on key issues to consider when developing prevention programmes for people living with HIV. …
This Protocol is a part of Oxfam's efforts to promote the provision of community based sexual, reproductive health and HIV services for young people in the rural and tribal areas. The protocol can be used by the various community based health service providers in the rural areas for providing information services, counselling and testing, treatment for RTIs/STIs and other infections and home based care for people living with HIV. …
Project activities focused around the XVII International AIDS Conference (IAC) and a pre-conference symposium on children and HIV, both held in Mexico City from 1-8 August 2008. In the period leading up to these events,, a dialogue and social networking platform, hosted online discussions on this theme. The two-day pre-conference symposium, "Children & HIV/AIDS: Action Now, Action How" provided a forum for information sharing, collaboration and networking in order to strengthen the response to children's needs. …
The present report demonstrates that Life Skills Education can encompass a wide variety of educational inputs, all aimed at enabling the individual learners to build on their innate capacities, and acquire skills to reduce risk, face challenges and make informed decisions. …
If the society focuses on male adolescents, properly cultivating and channelising their masculinity, it can benefit the society. Any intervention programme that seeks to address adolescence issues will be incomplete unless it addresses masculinity. This book titled Masculinity for Boys is based on ten years of YAAR's work with the male youth in India on the issues of gender and sexual health. The authors hope to reduce the "fake" masculinity pressures on boys with this information. At the same time, they want to help boys become true men by understanding what real masculinity is.
Sakhi Saheli: Promoting Gender Equity and Empowering Young Women - a Training Manual has been developed by CORO for Literacy and Horizons/Population Council with support from Instituto Promundo. The Manual is an important resource for those who work with young females to prevent HIV infection and sexual and reproductive health problems. …
This booklet was prepared for young people aged 15-19. Young people have many misconceptions and questions about sexuality issues. Their queries are often based on fragmented information. Accurate information is essential to promote a healthy sexuality. These booklets explain issues such as puberty, what happens to boys' and girls' bodies, sex and sexuality, how babies are made, infections and abuse. They also provide answers to such questions as: What is happening to my body? What is this sex stuff really all about? When is the right time to start? What is safer sex? Am I attractive? …
This booklet is prepared for young people aged 10-14. Young people have many misconceptions and questions about sexuality issues. Their queries are often based on fragmented information. Accurate information is essential to promote a healthy sexuality. The booklet explains issues such as puberty, what happens to boys' and girls' bodies, sex and sexuality, how babies are made, infections and abuse. It also provides answers to such questions as: What is happening to my body? What is this sex stuff really all about? When is the right time to start? What is safer sex? Am I attractive? …
This resource is to be used by individual trainers as well as organizations working on sexuality and sexual and reproductive health. It provides training content, tools and methods to demonstrate and strengthen the connections between sexuality, sexual health, reproductive health and human rights. Most of the exercises in this manual have been developed and tested during training programmes and cover basic concepts along with more complex issues. Detailed message points and instructions for each exercise make the document appropriate for both experienced as well as novice facilitators. …
Red Ribbon is a booklet which is part of the pilot project "Engaging Young People to Prevent the Spread of HIV" implemented by the NGO SPACE (Society for People's Awareness, Care and Empowerment) and supported by UNESCO, New Delhi. In 2007, this project is already operational in 10 colleges of Delhi University and aims to enhance knowledge and skills of young people so that they are empowered to respond effectively to the challenges posed by HIV and AIDS. The booklet aims to address the questions, misconceptions and myths prevalent among educated youth about HIV and AIDS and related issues. …
This document explores the values and principles that guide programmes, services and education on sexuality. It can be used for services, outreach, education and advocacy efforts. This guide was developed by, and essentially for, activists, educators, researchers and professionals from a wide range of fields, including reproductive health, HIV and AIDS, mental health, gender and development, sexuality, legal issues, violence prevention, women's rights, medicine, media and donor agencies. …
This paper is a collection, both previously published and new, describing efforts in the Asia/Pacific region to target young women with HIV prevention health messages. It seeks to provide non-formal HIV prevention educators with information and tools that will help them understand the complexities of gender specific to the region.
This review of four countries including India, Indonesia, Nepal and Thailand shows that very few interventions have been implemented in prisons for the prevention, care and treatment of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, despite a higher prevalence of HIV among those incarcerated. It highlights that such services are not only feasible in resource-poor settings, but also provides some excellent examples of innovative and positive action that can be taken to arrest the spread of HIV in prisons.
This report summarizes HIV prevalence and the associations between HIV serostatus and key characteristics and behaviors of adult women and men in 22 developing countries, primarily in sub- Saharan Africa. Data come from Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) and AIDS Indicator Surveys (AIS) conducted between 2001 and 2006. In most of these surveys, nationally representative samples of women age 15-49 and men age 15-59 were tested for HIV. …
The book shows that while gender inequalities in society generally, and particularly within the education sector, are driving aspects of the HIV epidemic, educational settings can be empowering and bring about change. It examines different expectations of what HIV education programmes and education settings can do to transform unequal gender relations and protect young people against HIV and AIDS and contribute to care for those affected and infected. …