13th session of the Governing Board

Mr. Grigory Ordzhonikidze, Secretary-General of the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO made a statement on behalf of the host country. He highlighted a positive progress of the IITE over the past years. Prof. Cornu, Chairman of the Governing Board thanked Prof. Badarch and all staff of the Institute for the valuable work achieved over the last year. Prof. Cornu stressed that UNESCO shall be more demanding and have expectations towards IITE as the only UNESCO institute working in the field of IT in Education.

Mr. S. Osttveit informed the Board of the current financial situation at UNESCO in particularly Category 1 Institutes.

During 2 days meeting, the Governing Board examined IITE's activity report for 2012, financial report, information on partnership and fundraising, principles and priorities of the IITE Medium-term Strategy as well as the proposed plan for 2013.

The Board spent time working through the issues associated with UNESCO’s internal evaluation of the IITE, amendments to the Statutes of the Institute.

Finally, the Board proposed to organize a next Governing Board meeting in September 2013.

The IITE Governing Board, comprised of 11 individual members, meets once a year and assures the overall management of UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education.

Agenda of the 13th session eng| rus(to add agenda)
