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The IBE shines on at CIES 2019

Day 2 of IBE-related events at CIES 2019 began with a panel on Global Citizenship Education (GCED) chaired by former Assistant Director-General of UNESCO, Hans D’Orville, and featuring presentations by Conrad Hughes (International School of Geneva), Felisa Tibbitts (Teachers College, Columbia University), Kefah Barham (Northumbria University), and Keith Lewin (University of Sussex). 
The presentations covered unique perspectives on GCED, ranging from the role of competences, the correlation of international law and education, the challenges of teaching education for citizenship in contexts of conflict, curriculum innovation, and peace education—all of which have obvious impacts on the Future of Learning. The diversity of contributions to this session led to a rich discussion on the complexity and challenges of education for sustainability.
The second IBE-led session of Day 2 was a round-table focused on increasing the importance of Technology in enhancing learning and sustainability. The session was chaired by the IBE’s Director, Dr. Mmantsetsa Marope, with presentations from Mary Burns (Education Development Center), Anthony Mackay (IBE-UNESCO), Julia Mossbridge (SingularityNET), and Keith Lewin (University of Sussex). The conversation explored current aspects of emerging technologies and how they are related to education, particularly in the areas of policy, assessment, and the broader scope of its fundamental impact on human development, incorporating artificial intelligence, machine learning, and ethics. A lively discussion followed, with the group concluding that education itself constitutes a theory of change, in the sense of ‘learning as we go’, of which technology is an integral part.
The final session of an action-packed day concluded with the launch of an IBE supported publication to honor the wide-ranging work of Don Adams of The University of Pittsburgh. Moving tributes were made by a range of colleagues including the IBE’s Dr. Simona Popa.
Day 2 concluded with a reception hosted by the IBE, with over 100 conference participants in attendance.
The IBE’s unique contribution to Day 3 focused on the key IBE policy and programme area of ‘Building resilient and sustainable early childhood care and education (ECCE) systems’. The IBE has been leading work in this area over the past decade and is now recognized for its groundwork in developing a robust ECCE development framework and supporting countries to customize their own National ECCE systems through direct country support and by setting up regional hubs. Presenters included Aglaia Zafeirakou (World Bank), Shirley Choppy (Institute of Early Childhood Development, Seychelles), Helen Abadzi (IBE-UNESCO), and Cristian Fabbi (IBE-UNESCO).
Dr. Marope rounded off the seminar by summarizing the tremendous progress that had been achieved in the ECCE agenda since the 2010 Moscow Conference, ‘Building the Wealth of Nations’. The IBE has been instrumental in driving the ECCE agenda forward and in contributing to the dissemination of the 2015 publication entitled ‘Investment against the Evidence’ –using evidence to advance practice. Since then, the IBE has convened the first global conference on ECCE and has been energetic in furthering implementation on the ground in several countries, including Seychelles, and in developing ECCE regional hubs. The IBE believes passionately that ECCE is the foundation stone for achieving SDG 4.2.