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UAE leads the way in Early Childhood Care and Education

From 24-09-2018 to 26-09-2018, The United Arab Emirates
The IBE-UNESCO co-convened the First Early Childhood Development Conference in the UAE: Redesigning Early Childhood Education and Care Services. The event took place at the Teacher Training Institute in Ajman UAE. It was co-organised with the UAE’s Supreme Council of Motherhood and Childhood, the UAE Ministry of Education, and UNICEF.
The conference is the first of a series of annual conferences to be organised in the UAE, which aims to provide decision-makers, educational leaders and educators with access to the latest research and development in Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). Additionally, the conference will provide a platform for the ECCE community to reflect on this research and development and to form insights to redesign ECCE for children aged from 0-8 in the UAE.
During the conference, H.E. Jamila Bint Salem Al Muhairi, Minister of State for Public Education, encouraged the 1100 educators who attended the conference to benefit fully from this unique opportunity and learn from the world’s best minds in the field of early childhood development.
In the closing day, H.E. Hussain Al- Hammadi, Minister of Education, said that the Ministry of Education is taking firm steps to consolidate efforts for building an effective and full-fledged early childhood system. This conference aims to reinforce the efforts exerted in this direction, where brains, competencies and knowledge pioneers met under one roof.
The conference was followed by a high-level consultative meeting, during which the IBE Director presented the IBE’s ECCE System Prototype draft to 30 internationally prominent ECCE experts.  The ECCE System Prototype relies on a wealth of research that supports the humanitarian and economic urgency of effective ECCE.  The purpose of the Prototype is to furnish a practical tool for the UN Member States or regional blocks to help convert fragmented ECCE services into more sustainable, resilient, and effective systems. 
IBE’s leadership, organization, and co-sponsorship of these activities were made possible in part by the generous support of the Dubai Cares Foundation.