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IBE and Bahrain strengthen cooperation over shared values to develop future-oriented higher education

The IBE and the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Bahrain have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) strengthening the long-term and successful collaboration between the two institutions since 2012.

His Excellency, Dr. Majed Al Noaimi, Minister of Education of the Kingdom of Bahrain, paid a visit to IBE on November 13, 2017. Dr. Al Noaimi, highlighted the pertinence of the work of the IBE carried out in Bahrain with regard to enhancing Human Rights and Citizenship Education at primary and lower secondary levels.

His Excellency described IBE’s interventions in his country as the “kind of work that brings people together and gives hope for children”. He also expressed his strong determination to continue getting the support of IBE in expanding this initiative to upper secondary and tertiary education.

Dr. Al Noaimi drew attention to good outcomes that have sprung from previous experiences working with IBE. He praised IBE’s intellectual leadership and its cutting-edge work on future competencies in the context of a changing world. His Excellency asked the IBE to support the country in developing a Higher Education System “Smart, Green and Future-oriented”. The IBE Director, Dr. Marope expressed her satisfaction and willingness to take on this challenge and to support Bahrain “through an integrated and futuristic approach which will prepare students for their future lives”.

A video about His Excellency's visit to IBE-UNESCO can be found here.