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El Protocolo de actuación para el abordaje de la violencia sexual en las comunidades educativas de El Salvador busca orientar a la comunidad educativa hacia la “cero tolerancia” de los delitos del acoso sexual, agresión sexual y violación sexual, conductas que atentan contra la integridad física y emocional de niñas, niños y adolescentes en El Salvador.
El objetivo general de este estudio fue conocer como se construye el fenómeno de bullying homofóbico en las culturas escolares, desde la mirada de todos los actores. Los objetivos específicos fueron (1) Caracterizar desde la perspectiva de los adolescentes el fenómeno del bullying homofóbico, y (2) Describir la prevalencia del bullying homofóbico, desde una perspectiva ecológica.
Resultados del relevamiento estadístico sobre clima escolar, violencia y conflicto en escuelas según la perspectiva de los alumnos, realizado por el Observatorio Argentino de Violencia en las Escuelas, Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, a partir de una encuesta aplicada a 26.000 alumnos de escuelas secundarias estatales y privadas de las 24 jurisdicciones del país, durante el año 2014.
El Ministerio de Educación de la Nación presenta aquí un material que propone una reflexión acerca de las formas que puede asumir el maltrato entre pares en la escuela, sea bajo las formas del hostigamiento o del acoso. El material contiene un breve desarrollo teórico y sugiere actividades para trabajar en la conformación de los grupos, promoviendo vínculos solidarios, pluralistas y basados en el respeto mutuo. Asimismo contiene algunas orientaciones para actuar una vez que se produce una situación de acoso entre pares.
Violence in schools and other education settings causes serious harm to children and adolescents that can last into adulthood. As the UN World Report on Violence against Children observed, it is a global phenomenon. Policies, laws and strategies to prevent school-related violence depend on accurate knowledge of its global prevalence, trends and effects, but such evidence is lacking. This paper surveys current methods of assessing school-related violence and sets out options for improving the global evidence base.
School violence and bullying occurs throughout the world and affects a significant proportion of children and adolescents. It not only negatively impacts their educational outcomes, but harms their physical health and emotional well-being. This report aims to provide an overview of the most up-to-date available data on the nature, extent and impact of school violence and bullying and eff orts to address the problem. …
Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
Global human rights legislation protects all people against discrimination and violence in education, irrespective of their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Viet Nam has committed to a range of global conventions to end school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV).
Agenda 2030 places gender equality and inclusive and equitable quality education at the heart of its concerns.
The national coalition was established to deliver on the vision of the Australian Government’s National Safe Schools Framework which aims to build safe school communities where diversity is valued, the risk from all types of harm is minimised and all members of the community feel respected, included and supported. Building on the original 2003 Framework, the revised Framework was endorsed by all ministers for education in December 2010. …
This document provides an in-depth look at the current landscape of bias and peer victimization as reported by students and teachers from across the nation. In addition to examining various types of bias, including those based on race/ethnicity, religion, body size, and ability, this report provides a focused look at LGBTQ issues in secondary schools. Comparing findings to a similar survey conducted in 2005, the report discusses the progress that has been made over the past ten years, as well as highlights the challenges that remain. …
Over the last two decades real progress has been made towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB&T;) equality in Britain. Yet, the government acknowledges that too many LGB&T; people still face prejudice because of their sexual orientation or gender identity at every stage in their lives. This includes homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HB&T;) bullying in schools, which, despite efforts, remains a problem. Preventing and tackling HB&T; bullying in schools is important because it can stop LGB&T; people reaching their full potential. …
Based on interviews with more than 50 LGBT students and former students in fourteen prefectures throughout Japan—as well as teachers, officials, and academic experts—this report documents bullying, harassment, and discrimination in Japanese schools based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, and the poor record of schools when it comes to appropriately responding to and preventing such incidents.
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a WHO collaborative cross-national study, has provided information about the health, well-being, social environment and health behaviour of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls for over 30 years. This latest international report from the study presents findings from the 2013/2014 survey, which collected data from almost 220 000 young people in 42 countries in Europe and North America. …
En este informe entenderemos la atención integral en salud de la población adolescente como el conjunto de acciones coordinadas de promoción, prevención y atención de la salud dirigidas a ellos y ellas y al medio en el que viven y se desarrollan, a través de una participación protagónica. …