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Education Cannot Wait



Education Cannot Wait (ECW) is part of UNESCO’s Global COVID-19 Education Coalition.  It was established during the World Humanitarian Summit in 2016 and is the first global fund dedicated to education in emergencies and protracted crises. Its mandate is to 
1. Inspire political commitment so that education is viewed by both governments and funders as a top priority during crises;
2. Generate additional funding to help close the $8.5 billion funding gap needed to reach 75 million children and youth;

3. Plan and respond collaboratively, with a particular emphasis on supporting programmes that enable humanitarian and development actors to work together on shared objectives;

4. Strengthen capacity to respond to crises, nationally and globally, including the ability to coordinate emergency support;

5. Improve accountability by developing and sharing knowledge, including collection of more robust data in order to make better-informed investment decisions, and knowledge of what works and does not.
ECW offers governments, multilateral institutions and the private sector the chance to finance comprehensive education programmes for children and youth affected by COVID-19. Counties can apply to ECW via the COVID-19 First Emergency Response Application process, or can submit a proposal through the ECW Acceleration Facility to support education in their community.

See the following links: