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National workshop to define the Terms of reference of a teaching of reading document



The UNESCO International Bureau of Education’s (UNESCO-IBE) project, Learning outcomes in reading in early grades: integration of curriculum, teaching, learning materials and assessment, sponsored by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), begins its second year with a meeting at the National Center of Pedagogical Resources (CNRE) in Dakar, Senegal (15 to 19 December 2014).


This meeting will gather representatives from several divisions of Senegal’s Ministry of Education, reading specialists from the country’s 14 regional training centers for education (CRFPE), from the University of Science and Technology of Education and Training (FASTEF), representatives from local NGOs, as well as researchers from the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and an IBE curriculum specialist.  The main objective is to define detailed Terms of Reference to produce a practical document to support reading and writing instruction for teachers and teacher trainers in French and bilingual education. 


The workshop follows the October 2014 seminar, Regional Debate on the Teaching of Reading in Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal in which the results of international and national studies underscored those elements to consider during reading teaching practices. As a direct result of these findings, Senegal’s national team designed an action plan focused upon capacity building for teachers and teacher trainers.


The ensuing partnership between Senegal’s Ministry of Education and UNESCO-IBE will be dedicated to three core areas: 

  • Monolingual, bilingual teaching guidelines in reading / writing for supervisors and teachers;
  • Training modules for teachers in reading; and
  • Updates to training for supervisors and inspectors in the didactics of reading.
Programme Specialist

Ms Amapola ALAMA