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Bhutan designs ‘Education in Emergencies’ Curriculum



The Royal Education Council of Bhutan has released an “Education in Emergencies” curriculum designed by curriculum specialists in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to help teachers to create interactive and experiential lessons, which are competency-based. The Emergency Curriculum prioritises disciplines such as mathematics, sciences, environmental science and social sciences, which are adaptable to every level. It also provides tools for teachers and parents to assess progress on learning and the acquisition of skills. Classes will mostly be hosted remotely or via Mass Media.

The Council has also provided specific guidelines to help parents engage with children who have Special Education Needs (SEN). The guideline includes a weekly schedule with a daily routine aimed to help students manage their own time schedule, including morning routines, household chores, physical and manual activities, basic education and computer skills to avoid large unstructured periods which could possibly lead to boredom or behaviour issues.
See the links:
Royal Education Council Paro: ttps://rec.gov.bt
Education in Emergency Guideline: https://rec.gov.bt/eie-guidelines/