On the occasion of the International Day of Education*, which was first celebrated on 24 January, Ms. Svetlana Knyazeva, Head of the Unit of Digital Pedagogy and Learning Materials at UNESCO IITE, was interviewed by UN News. Responding to questions from Ms. Nargiz Shekinskaya, Public Information Officer of the Department of Global Communications of the United Nations, Ms. Knyazeva emphasized the importance of integrating the principles of digital pedagogy in education under the transition to a digital economy.
The full text and audio track of the interview are published in Russian on the official website of UN News.
* International Day of Education was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly late last year in celebration of the role of education for peace and development. It highlights the global community’s commitment to support transformative actions for inclusive, equitable and quality education for all. UNESCO, as the specialized United Nations agency for education, will facilitate the annual observance of the Day in close collaboration with main education actors.