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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Campagne de prévention de l'homophobie à l'école: guide d'accompagnement à destination des personnels de direction et des personnels des établissements scolaires

    Le Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche a lancé en 2015 une nouvelle campagne nationale destinée à informer et sensibiliser les collégiens, lycéens, étudiants et l'ensemble des membres de la communauté éducative aux violences et discriminations à caractère homophobe dont souffrent encore trop de jeunes. Ce guide donne des ressources pour agir contre les comportements homophobes en milieu scolaire.

  2. Strengthening education in West and Central Africa by improving learners’ sexual and reproductive health

    West and Central Africa (WCA) is the region of the world with the largest percentage of young people and the highest gender disparity in education.

  3. Let's decide how to measure school violence

    Violence in schools and other education settings causes serious harm to children and adolescents that can last into adulthood. As the UN World Report on Violence against Children observed, it is a global phenomenon. Policies, laws and strategies to prevent school-related violence depend on accurate knowledge of its global prevalence, trends and effects, but such evidence is lacking. This paper surveys current methods of assessing school-related violence and sets out options for improving the global evidence base.

  4. School violence and bullying: global status report

    School violence and bullying occurs throughout the world and affects a significant proportion of children and adolescents. It not only negatively impacts their educational outcomes, but harms their physical health and emotional well-being. This report aims to provide an overview of the most up-to-date available data on the nature, extent and impact of school violence and bullying and eff orts to address the problem. …

  5. Shanghai declaration on promoting health in the 2030 agenda for sustainable development

    The outcome of the Ninth Global Conference on Health Promotion (Shanghai, 21 to 24 November 2016), which is jointly organized by the Government of China and WHO, under the auspices of a Scientific Advisory Group and Conference Organizing Committee, is a concise Shanghai Declaration on Health Promotion which is endorsed by the participants of the Conference.

  6. Why ending school-related gender-based violence is critical to sustainable development

    Agenda 2030 places gender equality and inclusive and equitable quality education at the heart of its concerns.

  7. Programme national santé, hygiène et nutrition en milieu scolaire du PDSEB 2016-2021. Rapport final

    L’éducation représente un défi majeur de développement au Burkina Faso où 48% de la population a moins de quinze ans.Une bonne santé et une nutrition adéquate sont des facteurs déterminants d’un apprentissage et d’une éducation de qualité. En effet,la malnutrition et les problèmes de santé sont reconnus comme étant des causes de faible scolarisation, d’absentéisme, de mauvais résultats scolaires et de décrochages scolaires précoces. …

  8. L’introduction des life skills en Mauritanie : document de base à l’intention des concepteurs des programmes scolaires de l’éducation nationale

    L’objectif de ce document est de répondre à la question sur la pertinence de l’introduction des compétences de vie courante dans les curricula en Mauritanie. Dans l’introduction, les auteurs présentent certains éléments préliminaires relatifs aux compétences de vie courante (CVC) indispensables aux concepteurs. …

  9. Revised school feeding policy: promoting innovation to achieve national ownership

    This paper updates WFP’s 2009 school feeding policy four years after its approval. It clarifies WFP’s new approach of supporting government-led programmes, and outlines innovations. The revised policy increases alignment with the new Strategic Plan (2014–2017), the draft Strategic Results Framework, and the safety net and nutrition policies, and supersedes the 2009 policy.

  10. Putting sexuality back into comprehensive sexuality education: tips for delivering sex-positive workshops for young people

    This document is designed to complement Putting Sexuality back into Comprehensive Sexuality Education: making the case for a rights-based, sex-positive approach, and it aims to give practical tips for putting IPPF's right-based, sex-positive approach, into practice.

  11. Menstrual hygiene in schools in two countries of francophone West Africa: Burkina Faso and Niger. Case studies in 2013

    Menstrual hygiene management (MHM) has been under-researched by the WASH, health and education sectors. Menstruation is a sensitive subject and remains a taboo in many societies. Some cultural beliefs about menstruation reinforce gender inequities and have negative impact on the dignity, health and education of women and girls. There is a need to gather more information on MHM to improve WASH in schools programming and create more equal, safe and healthy school environments. …

  12. The bravest boy I know

    UNAIDS and the UN World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) Sustainable Tourism for Eliminating Poverty (ST-EP) Foundation have released a new book on HIV for children. The book is about two friends, Kendi and Kayla. Kendi is living with HIV. The story is set in Africa and illustrated by celebrated artist Sujean Rim. These books will be delivered to schools across Africa through ST-EP’s Small Libraries project. The objective is to help everyone understand that young people can live normal and fulfilling lives with HIV.

  13. Learning from experience: good practices from 45 years of school feeding

    The UN World Food Programme has 45 years of experience in school feeding. This analysis, Learning from Experience, has harvested existing knowledge on the topic, drawing from 134 evaluations, case studies, an ongoing consultation process and operational experience.

  14. Sénégal: étude sur les grossesses precoces en milieu scolaire: rapport final

    Les grossesses précoces constituent une vive préoccupation dans beaucoup d’établissements scolaires au Sénégal en raison du nombre important de cas recensés chaque année. Toutefois, même si des études se sont penchées sur la fécondité des adolescentes et les pratiques sexuelles en milieu jeune, il n’existe pas des statistiques pour cerner de façon exhaustive l’ampleur du phénomène en milieu scolaire [...]. …

  15. Fulfilling our promise to young people today: 2013-2015 progress review

    On 7 December 2013, in Cape Town, South Africa, Ministers of Education and Health from 201 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) agreed to work collaboratively towards a vision of young Africans who are global citizens of the future, who are educated, healthy, resilient, socially responsible, informed decision-makers, and have the capacity to contribute to their community, country, and region. They affirmed a commitment to the right to the highest possible level of health, education, non-discrimination, and well-being of current and future generations. …


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