The library contains 5994 resources.
This presentation was shown at an Ad Hoc Expert Group Meeting on Reforms in Higher Education and the Use of Inforation Technology in Africa. It includes the statistics of how the virus is distributed in the continent, the implications, challenges and discusses possible solutions to combat AIDS in the way of Information Technology in Higher Education.
This compilation is a list of publications that deal with managerial issues in education in dealing with the impact of HIV/AIDS on Education.
This compilation of publications is focused on action strategies for HIV/AIDS and Education that involve governments, NGOs, private donors and the education sector initself.
This compilation is a collection of materials that discuss the impact and problem of HIV/AIDS on Children in Africa. The report gives a literature review on the impact of HIV/AIDS on children and principles to guide programming for orphans and other children affected by HIV/AIDS.
This compilation is a collection of publications that are focused on the provision of education to those who are affected by HIV/AIDS including OVCs who are subject to abuse and sexual violence amongst other things, besides losing family to the disease.
This article discusses the importance of situation analysis in the process of formulating interventions for children and families affected by HIV/AIDS. The argument is that for interventions to be effective and resources to be well used, it is essential that interventions are developed with a clear understanding of the factors which are most significant and how they relate to each other in causing or mitigating problems. It is well argued how situation analysis and ongoing monitoring are essental to planning and implementing effective interventions.
This a review of the SCOPE OVC Project in Zambia. The main objective of the project has been to strengthen community led initiatives and establish community based and led reponses to OVCs. This is inrecognition of the fact that community led initiatives are likley to have long lasting impact within communities. …
This presentations suggests various methods and strategies for community and school interventions that aim to improve the access and quality of education for AIDS affected children. This strategies were derived from experiences within communitities schools that were sensitive to the vulnerability of children affected by the disease.
This document discusses the outlined policies, reflections and challenges in HIV/AIDS faced by Save the Children UK as discussed at the International AIDS Conference in Durban. …
This document discusses the regional sectoral mobilization workshop on HIV/AIDS in the Education Sector. It was noted that the pandemic was resulting in reduced demand for education, reduced quality of, as well as inability for delivery b, the education system. With this realisation and the consequent discussion of the causes behind it, the regional sector gaol was described as to promote , coordinate and support individual and collective efforts of member States in reducing the transmission, incidence and impact of HIV/AIDS infection within the education and training sector.
This report clearly illustrates the powerful and negative effects of stigma on those affected by HIV/AIDS. The stories from children are particularly powerful and impacting. This report aims to put across the message that combating HIV/AIDS requires a strong and coordinated reponse from all sectors of society.
This article discusses a psychosocial support program for children affected by AIDS for the SADC region which was proposed by REPPSI. This program is a unique regional initiative that will create partnerships between intermediary NGO's, UN Agenicies and SADC governments to scale up current, successful community-based programs and rapidly expand program coverage.
This was the first UNICEF in-house capacity building workshop on the subject of adoption. It was neccesitated by the situation in UNICEF offices in all regions where abusive and illegal practices on adoption of children internationally have been alleged or proven. In such circumstances UNICEF offices are faced with continuous challenge of stating and/or defending UNICEF position on intercountry adoption. It was organised by International Child Development Center.
This report discusses the UNICEF project to expand programming for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS. The project had six objectives: to develop top management commitment and capacity; to mobilise field support; to initiate country programming or bring to scale; to prepare technical issues papers and global advocacy report; to build international and national advocacy on the issue; and to build sustainable data collection mechanisms.
This article discusses the impact of HIV/AIDS on children and mainly on the issue of children orphaned by AIDS. With the introduction of HIV/AIDS came an alarming rise in the number of orphans worldwide though the most alarming figures are found in the developing world. With estimations that the number of children living with HIV positive parents is higher than those currently orphaned, the problem of AIDS orphans will soon be catastrophic.