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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Integrating strategies to address gender-based violence and engage men and boys to advance gender equality through National Strategic Plans on HIV and AIDS: Meeting Summary

    National strategies and plans – focusing on HIV and beyond – are key platforms for articulating an HIV response that advances gender equality, champions women’s rights, engages men and boys, and ends GBV as a cause and consequence of HIV. As such, the Johannesburg December 2012 meeting supported delegations from six countries to review their current national policies, strategies, and plans, and assess the strengths and weaknesses of these plans with regard to addressing GBV and engaging men and boys for gender equality. …

  2. Sanitation and Education

    One in five children worldwide does not complete upper-primary school, with particularly high drop-out rates among pubescent-age girls that may limit economic opportunities and perpetuate gender inequality. This paper tests whether educational attainment is stymied by endemically inadequate school sanitation that threatens children's health, privacy, and safety. …

  3. Évaluation du dispositif expérimental « ABCD de l’égalité »

    L’inspection générale de l’éducation nationale a été chargée de l’évaluation du dispositif expérimental "ABCD de l’égalité". Copilotée par les ministères de l’éducation nationale et des droits des femmes, cette opération visait à "susciter une évolution positive des attitudes des enseignants et des élèves des deux sexes" conformément aux engagements arrêtés par la "convention interministérielle pour l’égalité entre les filles et les garçons, les femmes et les hommes dans le système éducatif" valant pour la période 2013-2018. …

  4. El Mejunje y su perspectiva sociocultural en la prevención del VIH/sida

    El Mejunje es, ante todo, un Proyecto de Desarrollo Cultural Comunitario con una profunda vocación humanista, donde cualquier capa, grupo, sector social o persona, se puede sentir identificado, acogido y respetado: obreros, intelectuales, jóvenes, niños y adultos mayores, heterosexuales, homosexuales, bisexuales, travestís y lesbianas, roqueros, ex-presidiarios, personas con VIH, profesionales y aficionados, amas de casa y trabajadores, políticos, legos y especialistas campesinos, citadinos u otros.

  5. RESCATATE: rompé el silencio, hablemos de SIDA

    El trabajo presenta una experiencia de formación y sensibilización en VIH, sexualidad y género, dirigida a formadores de jóvenes y adolescentes, desarrollada en el marco de un acuerdo de trabajo entre UNESCO Sector Educación Oficina para el MERCOSUR, la Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, de la República Argentina y ejecutado por el Instituto de Formación Sexológica Integral SEXUR de Uruguay en la ciudad de Santa Fé los días 8-9, 15 -16 y 29-30 de junio de 2007. …

  6. Protocolo de atención integral en salud sexual y reproductiva a mujeres viviendo con VIH. Orientaciones complementarias para el programa nacional de salud de la mujer

    Para el Ministerio de Salud es de gran relevancia presentar y poner a disposición de la Red Asistencial Pública, este Protocolo de Atención Integral en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva para Mujeres Viviendo con VIH, como una contribución hacia el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida, bajo los principios del enfoque de ética, derechos, equidad y no discriminación. …

  7. Diversidad sexual: Conceptos para pensar y trabajar en salud

    Diversidad sexual: Conceptos para pensar y trabajar en salud es un material elaborado como apoyo bibliográfico a las capacitaciones sobre sexualidad a cargo de Ricardo Duranti en el marco del proyecto para mejorar la accesibilidad a la prevención, diagnóstico y atención del VIH e ITS de población homosexual, bisexual y trans. El proyecto es coordinado por la Dirección de Sida y Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual y cuenta con el apoyo técnico-financiero de ONUSIDA, PNUD, UNFPA y OPS.

  8. Role of men and boys in promoting gender equality: advocacy brief

    This policy brief aims to present key rationales, identify principal challenges, and recommend actionable strategies for engaging boys and men in efforts to achieve gender equality. The goal of this brief is to provide policy makers, gender-related practitioners, business people and civil society leaders with a framework for developing strategies, implementing programmes, and evaluating progress in gender equality efforts that engage men in all spheres of life.

  9. Compendium of gender equality and HIV indicators

    The intended purpose of this compendium is to provide program managers, organizations, and policy makers with a menu of indicators to better “know their HIV epidemic/know their response” from a gender perspective in order to: strengthen national and subnational stakeholders’ understanding of their HIV epidemic and response from a gender equality perspective; monitor progress towards eliminating gender-based inequities in HIV responses, and monitor and evaluate programs that address specific types of gender equality interventions in the context of HIV.

  10. Addressing the links between gender-based violence and HIV in the Great Lakes region: background information on GBV and HIV

    Despite the multiple linkages between HIV/AIDS spread and the high prevalence rates of GBV through the world there have been very few programmatic efforts at the policy level to address these issues conjointly. For this reason, UNESCO has organized a workshop in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania to be held in July 2013. The workshop intended to address the linkages between GBV and HIV/AIDS in the Great Lakes region (including attention to situations of conflict and post-conflict), and to provide concrete policy recommendations for integrating national responses to both pandemics. …

  11. Research into the needs of young people in Northern Ireland who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender (LGBT)

    This research has been commissioned by the Department of Education as part of their statutory duty to promote equality of opportunity under Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act (1998). Analysis of the Census 2001 indicates that between 2 and 10% of the population may be lesbian, gay or bisexual. This would indicated that there are between 12,190 and 60,953 LGB people under 25 years in Northern Ireland. …

  12. Learning about HIV/AIDS in schools: does a gender-equality approach make a difference?

    Is HIV education based on the principles of gender equality possible in practice? If so, can it make a difference to gender relations in a society? This chapter considers these questions through reflection on two gender-based HIV education interventions in South Africa and Mozambique, which took place between 2001 and 2003.

  13. Gender, sex and HIV: How to adress issues that no-one want to hear about

    This paper discusses the limitations of conventional Information, Education and Communication (IEC) approaches to HIV prevention and describes Stepping Stones, one approach which 1) is more holistic in recognising the location of HIV in a broader sexual and reproductive health (SRH) context; 2) emphasises the importance of a gendered perspective throughout; and 3) works on the basis that, with good facilitation, ordinary community members are those most able to develop the best solutions for their own sexual health needs.

  14. Gender Dynamics and Sexual Norms among Youth in Mali in the Context of HIV/AIDS Prevention

    Socially constructed ideas of gender norms and values attached to sexuality need to be considered when aiming to build the young people’s capacity to adopt HIV preventive behaviours. We conducted ten focus groups and sixteen individual interviews to explore sexual norms among youth in Bamako. Premarital sex, multiple partnering, condom use and transactional sex were discussed. The findings suggest that young people’s sexual norms are shaped by kin or authoritative elders as well as by external influences coming from Western culture. …

  15. Education au genre : l’école est-elle prête ?

    L’école a toujours été gênée par la dimension intime de l’éducation à la sexualité. Au-delà de l’acte en soi, la sexualité renvoie de façon plus ou moins explicite aux rapports entre les sexes, à leurs tabous et à la myriade de stéréotypes qui vont avec. Si l’école reconnaît la portée sociale de l’éducation à la sexualité, est-elle pour autant prête à mettre en place une véritable éducation au genre ?


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