Bangkok: UNDP, 2013. 28 p.
National Stakeholder Meeting to Develop the National Advocacy Framework on HIV, Human Rights and Sexual Diversity, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 16 November 2012
This framework was developed to assist organizations in Sri Lanka to work together on advocacy priorities for removing the legal and policy barriers that prevent MSM and transgender people from enjoying the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, particularly in relation to access to HIV prevention, treatment and care. It is focused as much on governments and national AIDS Programmes as it is on community organizations, as partnerships between governments and civil society have proven to be an effective vehicle for change in this area. It provides the background commitments, guidelines and evidence that can support advocacy efforts and a process that groups and individuals can follow to identify what needs to change, who they can work in partnership with and what strategies they can use.
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