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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse


Displaying 1 - 10 of 316

Webinar: The 2020 GEM Report on Inclusion: Findings, Principles and Potential Next Steps

This session will provide an overview of the findings, principles and policies discussed in the 2020 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) report. The report has successfully identified the elements that can unify the many sectors and systems to strengthen and maintain inclusive education.

Webinar - The Secret's Out: Tobacco Company Tactics to Target Young People and Responses for Schools

This session will discuss how schools can protect young people from manipulation by the tobacco industry and prevent youth initiation of nicotine and tobacco products.

Webinar: Why Nutrition in School Age Children Is Important, and Even More Important as a Consequence of the COVID Epidemic?

The American Society for Nutrition annual meeting will have a specific session on “Why Nutrition in School Age Children Is Important, and Even More Important as a Consequence of the COVID Epidemic?” by Prof. Donald Bundy from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with inputs from the UN World Food Programme (WFP).

Agencies call for a global push for school health and nutrition

For the first time since the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, UN and multilateral agencies from across health, education, agriculture, WASH, and social welfare sectors have come together to make a renewed commitment to school health and nutrition. The partnership, Stepping up effective school health and nutrition aims to advance the health and nutrition of school-aged children and adolescents, so they are ready to learn and thrive, and can contribute meaningfully to the future of their communities and countries.

Education and Nutrition: Reaching Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic Webinar Series

Join the Global Child Nutrition Foundation (GCNF) for a series of interactive webinars for government officials and their implementing partners to discuss strategies for addressing school meal program disruptions in the short-term, how they’ll continue in the future, how to re-start programs, and more.

Webinar - New Directions for Assessing Menstrual Health and Hygiene in Schools: MENSES

Join us to discuss Save the Children's MENSES (Menstruation- related Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Stress) Assessment. We will learn about the four phases of the development of the Menstrual-related Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Stress (MENSES) Assessment and evidence from the Philippines and Mexico.

Maintaining learner health and well-being during school closure and reopening – COVID-19 education webinar

This webinar, the 7th in an ongoing UNESCO series on educational responses to COVID-19, will explore how those working in the sectors of education and health can apply evidence-informed actions to promote and protect the health and wellbeing of learners in the context of school closures and schools reopening.

COVID-19: UN and partner responses to the disruption of student education, nutrition, health and well-being

The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is disrupting children and adolescents’ education, but also their health, nutrition and well-being. As COVID-19 continues to spread, it is important that countries, communities and schools act to prevent further transmission, support control measures, and reduce the impact of the outbreak.

Inter-Agency Responses and Guidance on COVID-19 for Schools

Join us to discuss Save the Children's and UNICEF's responses to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. We will present technical guidance and tools to support schools in addressing the competing priorities associated with a pandemic response to ensure the well-being and safety of their population.

School Health and Development in Low Resource Countries: The Ongoing FRESH Partners Dialogue and Summaries

The resources, culture, systems and capacities within countries and regions will determine the nature, priorities and, ultimately, the sustainability of school-based and school-linked programs to promote education, health and development.


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