6th RAIFFET International Colloquium - Technological Education, Vocational Training and New Relationships to Knowledge

Koudougou (Burkina Faso)
From 05 October 2020 to
09 October 2020

Francophone Africa
E.N.S. Université Norbert ZONGO

Issue: Major progress has been made in education worldwide (improved access to education, increased enrolment rates, especially for girls). Under the influence of the generalization of digital technologies, modes of access to knowledge are changing and are leading to a significant modification of the relationship to knowledge in educational institutions. This sixth colloquium aims to compare points of view on the issue of new relationships to knowledge, whether it is a question of looking at this issue at the level of basic education in the framework of Education for All (EFA), technological and vocational education and training (TVET) or the training of teaching professionals.