Training of national and regional mutualisation managers: the platform portal is functional!

Thus, the eight WAEMU countries and Chad, the first country outside the Union to apply for membership of the platform, were trained to operate the digital portal of the Platform of Mutualization .

During two days of intense work, the 17 national managers of the National mutualization entities (ENM) and the members of the Transitional Regional Animation Unit (URTA), discovered, practiced and started to use, together, the different functions of the digital portal developed by IIEP-Pôle de Dakar on behalf of the CCMEFP.

The success of this workshop was confirmed by the effective online publication of the first 45 resources subject to mutualization. This success was greatly facilitated by the preparatory work carried out at the national level previously within the framework of the study on the inventory of available and potentially "mutualizable" vocational training tools and resources in the 8 UEMOA countries and Chad.

The countries' commitment was total, many opinions, comments, suggestions for improvement were made to refine the functioning of the portal. The methods and practices for using resource flow management mechanisms have been thoroughly developed so that national members and regional facilitators can effectively use this central tool of the Platform of Mutualization.

Two years after the request of the ministers in Bamako, one year after the adoption of the Platform in Lomé, the dynamics of the mutualization of vocational training tools and resources is operationalized with a functional platform. A major step forward for the entire West African region and beyond!