TCG Virtual Meeting

SDG Indicator 4.7.3 on Human Rights

The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) hosted a virtual meeting on 19 June 2020 (14:00 GMT+2 - Paris time) to further discuss any pending issues regarding SDG Indicator 4.7.3 “Extent to which the framework on the World Programme on Human Rights Education (HRE) is implemented nationally (as per the UNGA Resolution 59/113).” This meeting considered the technical aspect of SDG Indicator 4.7.3, enabling the upcoming consultations on its measurement and eventually the overall status as a thematic indicator for monitoring SDG 4.


The objectives of this meeting are:

  • Overview the proposed Framework for reporting on SDG Indicator 4.7.3, which was presented during the Global TCG Meeting on April 21 2020 in partnership with the Danish Insitute on Human Rights (DIHR)
  • Address questions on:
    • selection of an instrument for data collection;
    • development of the indicator calculation method; and
  • Provide inputs for the TCG decision on the indicator’s measurement and status.

Date and time

The meeting took place on 19 June 2020 at 14:00 GMT+2 - Paris time.

  • TCG members and observers were expected to participate virtually to the meeting was held in English.

Reference documents