Sixth Meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

27-28 of August 2019 in Yerevan, Armenia

GAML 6 participants will be expected to:

  • Receive updates on the UN and Education 2030 processes as well as the work of the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG4 – Education 2030 Indicators (TCG);
  • Discuss alternative linking strategies for reporting on indicator 4.1.1;
  • Assess and make recommendations on criteria to develop learning targets;
  • Exchange on challenges in reporting and validating learning assessment data as well as using data for policy making;
  • Deliberate on the work of the GAML actions to support capacity development.


Session presentations

Session 1: Opening of GAML 6

Global Alliance to Monitor Learning: Update on Progress

Meeting Commitments: Are countries on track to achieve SDG 4?

Session 2: Development of the global indicator 4.1.1

Minimum Proficiency Levels: Described, unpacked and illustrated

LLECE-ERCE - UNESCO's Large Scale Student Assessment Program in LAC

Options for Reporting Against 4.1.1 when using national assessment programs

Policy Linking and SDG 4.1

Reporting Indicator 4.1.1

Session 3: Development of literacy indicators: 4.6.1 (global), and 4.4.2 (thematic)


Task force 4.4: Progress report

Progress on Indicator 4.6.1

Session 4: Development of thematic indicators for SDG Target 4.7

Global Alliance to Monitor Learning: Indicators 4.7.4 and 4.7.5

Intrinsic Motivation and Lifelong Learning

Session 5: Regional and global monitoring: Aligning frameworks and expectations

Are we achieving equitable learning? Results from the Foundational Learning module in MICS

Suivi régional: Alignement et progrès des évaluations du PASEC en Afrique Subsaharienne francophone


LLECE-ERCE - UNESCO's Large Scale Student Assessment Program in LAC

Session 6: Closing of Day 1


Session 7: Opening of Day 2 of the meeting

Reporting Indicator 4.1.1

Session 8: Monitoring progress

SDG 4 indicator benchmarking consultation

Session 9: Brainstorming solutions

Benchmarking for learning: Linking 4.1.1 with broader issues in education policy

Session 10: Conclusion of the meeting

Global Alliance to Monitor Learning: Consultations and endorsement

Working documents