Tag Archives: financing

COVID-19 poised to set aid to education back by six years

A new GEM Report policy paper released today shows that total aid to education reached its highest ever levels in 2018, the latest available year. However, it estimates that global aid is likely to decline by up to US$2 billion … Continue reading

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What are the financial implications of the coronavirus for education?

How long is a piece of string? You might be asking, looking at the question this blog is asking. And to some extent, you’d be right. In these early days of the outbreak, it is as yet unknown how long … Continue reading

Posted in Economic growth, Finance, Out-of-school children, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Private sector participation in education: where it occurs, and why

By Antoni Verger, Adrián Zancajo, Clara Fontdevila The privatization of basic education is a global phenomenon, growing in all corners of the world. As a pre-cursor to a larger discussion on this issue to be featured in the 2021 GEM … Continue reading

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New Financing for Sustainable Development Report argues “action is needed at all levels” including on education

The 2019 Financing for Sustainable Development Report (FSDR) of the Inter-agency Task Force, whose fourth edition was released today, reviews the global financing landscape to make recommendations for governments. It puts special emphasis on the five Sustainable Development Goals under … Continue reading

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Free education for all in Sierra Leone? Can it happen?

In late August, Sierra Leone’s newly elected President Julius Madaa Bio, announced a five year initiative to roll out free pre-primary, primary and secondary education on 17 September. The new policy is intended to guarantee free school places for one … Continue reading

Posted in Developing countries, Finance, Inclussion, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Using international accountability mechanisms: A test case for private education in Kenya

By Linda Oduor-Noah, a project manager at The East African Centre for Human Rights (EACHRights) on behalf of nine complainants who submitted a complaint through the complaint mechanism of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in April 2018. EACHRights is a … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, private schools, private sector, privatisation, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Raising billions of dollars for education in Dakar

With the curtains of the third Financing Conference of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) in Dakar, Senegal now closed, it is important to remember the context in which it was organized. During the first half of this decade, aid … Continue reading

Posted in Aid, Donors, Finance, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

What is at stake at the GPE Financing Conference?

The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) 3rd replenishment conference (February 1-2) aims to confirm significant increases in commitments from partner countries and donors – old and new – in order to ensure that all children and youth are in school … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Aid, Finance, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Results based financing in education: is it a challenge to aid effectiveness?

On the occasion of this week’s Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Financing Conference held in Dakar, Senegal, the GEM Report has released a new policy paperon results-based financing (RBF) in education, a financing modality being promoted strongly by some donors. … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Aid, Finance, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The Tanzanian President has just banned schools from taking any money from pupils

Free education? What does that really mean? Tanzania made secondary education free in 2015. But, as we know from several editions of the GEM Report, plenty of countries provide ‘free education’ and yet the cost of going to school is … Continue reading

Posted in Finance, sdg, sdgs, Secondary school, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment