Tag Archives: MDG

Share your views on the forthcoming 2015 EFA Global Monitoring Report

The 2015 Education for All Global Monitoring Report (EFA GMR) will review how much the EFA movement has contributed to ensuring that all children, young people and adults have benefited from the right to an education that meets their basic … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Africa, Aid, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Developed countries, Developing countries, Donors, Early childhood care and education, Equality, Equity, Finance, Gender, Governance, Innovative financing, Latin America, Learning, Literacy, Marginalization, Millennium Development Goals, North America, Nutrition, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Post-secondary education, Poverty, Pre-primary education, Primary school, Quality of education, Rural areas, Secondary school, Skills, Teachers, technology, Youth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

New partnerships are needed to improve learning worldwide

What do children and young people need to learn? And how can we measure what they have learned? For the last 18 months, the Learning Metrics Task Force has put these questions to experts and agencies worldwide. Tomorrow it presents … Continue reading

Posted in Basic education, Finance, Learning, Literacy, Marginalization, Quality of education, Skills, Teachers, Testing, Training | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments