Framework Guidelines
Adopted by the Executive Board at its 177th session (177 EX/Decision 35 II) and amended at its 196th session (196 EX/Decision 20) |
I. Information on the legislative, judicial, administrative and other measures taken by the State at the national level
(a) Pursuant to Article IV, paragraphs 4 and 6, and Article VIII of the Constitution, each State may provide information on its status in respect of UNESCO’s conventions by indicating whether it plans to accede to the instruments to which it is not yet Party or which it has signed but not yet ratified*
(b) States should describe the specific legal framework governing the protection on their territory of the rights guaranteed by the UNESCO convention to which they are Parties. They should indicate, inter alia, whether the rights set forth in the convention are protected by their constitution, by a basic legislative text or by any other national provision, and whether the UNESCO convention has been incorporated into national legislation, and should make reference to the legal, administrative or other authorities competent in relation to the rights guaranteed by the convention and the scope of such competence.
II. Information on the implementation of the convention (with reference to its provisions)
This part of the report provides States with an opportunity to concentrate on more specific questions pertaining to the implementation of the instrument concerned. It should contain the information requested by the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations in its most recent guidelines for the preparation of reports, and should set out the specific measures taken to respond to any concerns expressed by the Committee in its observations made at the conclusion of the examination of the State Party’s previous report.
(a) Convention against Discrimination in Education
States should provide detailed information on:
(i) the means employed to proscribe discrimination in education based notably on grounds specified in the Convention and to ensure equality of treatment in education;
(ii) the measures taken to ensure equal opportunities in education (in terms of access, participation and completion), including gender parity, and to implement strategies and programmes in order to achieve in the country the full exercise by all of the right to education without discrimination or exclusion;
(iii) progress made with respect to ensuring universal access to primary and secondary education and access to higher education based upon individual capacity, including technical and vocational education and training, the measures taken to enhance the quality of education and the status of teaching personnel and the means employed to protect the right of national minorities to carry out their own educational activities.
(b) Convention on Technical and Vocational Education
States should provide detailed information on:
(i) the measures taken to develop evidence-based policies, strategies and frameworks for technical and vocational education and training (TVET) to foster equitable and inclusive lifelong learning opportunities for all young people and adults, in relation to changing contexts and development strategies, and respective education, labour and other systems, specifying how these measures ensure the involvement of all relevant stakeholders;
(ii) the measures taken to develop effective mechanisms for assessing current and future skills needs at various territorial levels and/or by sectors, and the main approaches used on a systematic and regular basis, specifying the extent of participation of employers’ and employees’ organizations;
(iii) the measures taken for the governance, regulation, management and financing of TVET, specifying how far governing structures at various levels are intersectoral, and how these measures ensure the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, including through social dialogue, partnerships and networks;
(iv) the measures taken to transform and expand TVET in all its forms to address the great diversity of learning and training needs, and the measures taken to periodically review and improve the quality and relevance of TVET staff, programmes, qualifications and curricula, information, guidance and counselling;
(v) the measures taken to facilitate international cooperation in the area of TVET through knowledge sharing and making full use of international and national networks, and to support the mutual recognition of outcomes of learning experiences and qualifications;
(vi) the measures, in the context of changing demands, taken to improve the knowledge and research base for TVET, including through monitoring and evaluation tools and mechanisms, to monitor the impact of TVET on expected outcomes including employability, lifelong learning, and social equity, including gender equality, and sustainable development.
III. Methods introduced to draw the attention of the various authorities in the country to the instrument and to remove obstacles encountered
(a) The report should contain an assessment of the effectiveness of the methods introduced to draw the attention of the various authorities of the country to the instrument and to remove obstacles encountered. It should highlight the difficulties encountered in implementing the key provisions of the convention, and the legal and practical obstacles encountered by States in implementing the convention.
(b) States should describe briefly the main issues that need to be resolved in order to promote the implementation of the key provisions of the convention in the country, or what measures have been taken to launch an awareness-raising campaign and to promote ratification.
(c) States should describe the measures taken to raise awareness of the basic principles of the convention, including their translation into national and, where necessary, local languages, and their national or local dissemination, in particular to non-governmental organizations. States should specify the activities undertaken or supported by the National Commission with a view to promoting the convention and fostering debate on critical issues, in relation to the rights enshrined in the convention.
* In the case of the conventions on education, States Parties may wish to include information transmitted to the United Nations treaty bodies on their endorsement of other international human rights standards, in particular when such information is directly related to States’ implementation of the provisions of UNESCO’s conventions. States could indicate if they are Parties to regional human rights instruments.
Publication Year |
01 Oct 2007 |