Specific multi-stage procedure for the monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO conventions and recommendations for which no specific institutional mechanism is provided
Adopted by the Executive Board at its 177th session (177 EX/Decision 35 I) and amended at its 196th session (196 EX/Decision 20) |
Stage 1: Frequency of submission of reports on the monitoring of the implementation of UNESCO conventions and recommendations for which no specific institutional mechanism is provided
In accordance with the provisions of Article IV, paragraph 4, and Article VIII of the Constitution, reports shall be submitted every four years unless the General Conference, in the case of specific conventions or recommendations, decides otherwise.
In this respect, the secretariat shall prepare, at the start of each biennium, a timetable for submission of Member States’ reports on measures taken to implement the conventions and recommendations for the period under consideration, while drawing attention to the frequency and dates of submission to the UNESCO General Conference of monitoring reports on implementation of these instruments.
Stage 2: Transmission of conventions and recommendations to Member States
Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, while transmitting a certified copy of any convention or recommendation to Member States, the Director-General will formally remind them of their obligation to submit the convention or recommendation in question to their competent national authorities in accordance with Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, and will also draw their attention to the difference in the legal nature of conventions and recommendations.
The Secretariat will ensure that the standard-setting texts adopted by the General Conference are widely disseminated to Member States and the public.
Stage 3: Establishment of reports for monitoring the effective implementation of conventions and recommendations
(a) Consultations concerning conventions
The Secretariat shall submit to the Executive Board its proposals concerning the modalities of consultation of Member States on any measures they have respectively adopted pursuant to Article IV, paragraphs 4 and 6, and Article VIII of the Constitution. To this effect, it shall prepare draft guidelines for the preparation of reports based on the framework guidelines adopted by the Executive Board, to which the Secretariat will add, in view of the wide variety of UNESCO’s standard-setting instruments, specific questions on which additional information is sought in the light either of the conclusions of the previous consultation or of the information available.
The Executive Board shall entrust the examination of these proposals to its Committee on Conventions and Recommendations (CR).
After the guidelines have been approved by the Executive Board, the Director-General will invite the Member States to submit their report on the action taken on the convention, within a period of six months. Each Member State must submit such a report pursuant to Article 17, paragraph 1, of the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution.
(b) Collection of information concerning recommendations
The Secretariat will collect from Member States and National Commissions and from the various partners of the Organization such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), information on the implementation of the recommendation in question.
This collection of information may be conducted on the basis of the model guidelines and after consultation with the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations of the Executive Board.
(c) Preparation of reports
With regard to the conventions, the Member States shall prepare reports, with the cooperation and support of the National Commissions, in accordance with the model guidelines approved by the Board. Within the limit of available resources, the guidelines may be made accessible on the Internet to Member States to enable them to draw up and submit their report to the Secretariat by electronic means.
With regard to the recommendations, the Secretariat will prepare a report on their implementation by the Member States, on the basis of the information collected, in particular with regard to national legislation.
(d) Technical assistance provided by the Secretariat to Member States
In order to reduce their workload, the Secretariat, with the support of the field offices, will provide Member States, at their request or at the request of the General Conference, with technical assistance, which will focus both on a better understanding of the objectives of the convention or recommendation in question and on practical procedures for the preparation of their reports, in particular, the collection of information and the drafting of the reports.
Stage 4: Consideration by the Executive Board of the reports for monitoring the effective implementation of conventions and recommendations
The Secretariat will submit to the Executive Board a summary of the reports received from Member States on the measures taken for the implementation of the conventions. The Executive Board may, if it so desires, ask the Secretariat to submit to it for consideration all the reports for each country.
With regard to recommendations, the Secretariat will submit its consolidated report on the implementation of these instruments, prepared on the basis of the information collected.
The documents prepared by the Secretariat will be examined by the Executive Board, which will entrust the task to the Committee on Conventions and Recommendations. The debates and work of the Executive Board and the CR Committee arising from their consideration of the reports will take place in public meetings.
The Executive Board will transmit these documents to the General Conference, together with its observations or comments and any that the Director-General may make, following their consideration by the Executive Board.
Stage 5: Decision of the General Conference concerning the reports for monitoring the effective implementation of conventions and recommendations
The General Conference may take, as necessary, a decision with regard to the summaries of reports concerning the implementation of the conventions and recommendations.
The Director-General shall regularly inform the General Conference and the Executive Board with respect to the implementation of the decisions taken by the General Conference.
Publication Year |
01 Oct 2007 |