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Policy Dialogue Forum

The Policy Dialogue Forum (PDF) aims to raise awareness among members and partners of the TTF on crucial issues for the implementation of the Teacher Target in SDG 4 and Education 2030 agenda. The PDF seeks to have an impact on country policies, reflections and debates. It promotes participatory approaches; dialogue; and exchanges of experience in evidence-based teacher policy formulation and implementation.

Through the Forum, the TTF offers a platform for education actors and teacher stakeholders (including policy makers, teachers, representatives from teacher organizations, civil society organizations, researchers, the UN and other international organizations, private sector organizations and foundations) to delve into what it takes to teach and educate children, youth and adults, and reaffirm the relevance of education as an equalizing factor in society. In bringing multiple stakeholders together, the PDF fosters a more effective and focused exchange of knowledge and experiences, and create a unique opportunity to build alliances for advocacy and resource mobilization.

The Forum offers a unique opportunity to address the efforts of the TTF members to approach teacher-related matters in different regions and socioeconomic contexts.

The Policy Dialogue Forum is one of the three flagship activities in the 2018-2021 Strategic Plan which, from 2020, will be held every two years.

The TTF has organized the following international fora: