Category Archives: Sustainable development

What is a ‘living laboratory’, and why should all universities become one?

Last year, the Planet chapter from the 2016 GEM Report formed the basis of the keynote presentation that kicked off the Education day at the COP22 in Morocco. UNESCO’s former Director-General Irina Bokova and the GEM Report’s Manos Antoninis were … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change, higher education, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

New GEM Report says ‘Don’t just blame the teacher when the system is at fault’

The 2017/8 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report was released today at global events in Maputo, Mozambique, Brasilia, Brazil and in London, UK. It stresses that accountability is indispensable in achieving SDG 4. The Report highlights the responsibility of governments to … Continue reading

Posted in accountability, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Conflict, Developed countries, Developing countries, Equality, Inclusion, monitoring, privatisation, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Teachers, Testing, Training, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Good news: Chile is going to cover climate change in its curriculum

At the end of last month, the Chilean president, Michelle Bachelet, said that climate change would become an obligatory subject for students to learn in the third and fourth grades of secondary school in history and science classes. The President … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, Climate change, curriculum, Environment, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Why we should increase peace-building capacities of teachers and youth

By UNESCO-IICBA (International Institute for Capacity Building in Africa) The propaganda and money used to lure young people into violent extremist groups such as Al-Shabaab in East Africa, Boko Haram in Nigeria and M23 rebel group in the Democratic Republic … Continue reading

Posted in peace, Sustainable development, Teachers, Training, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 5 Comments

The 2020 GEM Report will be on Inclusion and Education

At the end of last week, the GEM Report’s Advisory Board met in Paris to discuss the success of the 2016 GEM Report, hear about the plans for the 2017/8 and 2019 GEM Reports, and decide on the future theme … Continue reading

Posted in Inclusion, Report, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 45 Comments

Join our youth photo competition

In September 2015, the member states of the United Nations agreed on a new sustainable development agenda with 17 goals to be achieved by 2030.  These Sustainable Development Goals are the collective vision of the international community. They merge the … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

The challenge of Target 4.7 in fragile and low-resource contexts

By Margaret Sinclair (Technical Adviser, Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict Programme, Education Above All Foundation) and Jean Bernard (Senior Partner, Spectacle Learning Media) Given current challenges of conflict, insecurity and environmental collapse, we must put maximum effort into Sustainable … Continue reading

Posted in Citizenship, pedagogy, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, teaching, textbooks, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments

How can education help us rethink what we mean by prosperity?

We need to reconceive what it means to prosper. The current prosperity enjoyed by pockets of people across the world has had a devastating impact on our natural environment and left too many people behind. Education is often held up … Continue reading

Posted in Skills, Sustainable development, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

What American textbooks say about Vietnam, and about Americans’ attitudes toward war

This blog examines what a country’s textbooks can tell us about their attitude towards war, and in particular how coverage of the Vietnam war has changed over time in American textbooks. It is part of a series of blogs on … Continue reading

Posted in curriculum, Sustainable development, textbooks, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment

The Current State of Textbooks in Turkey: a denial of minorities

This blog looks at how Turkish textbooks could better incorporate the cultures, lifestyles and histories of ethnic and religious minorities. It is part of a series of blogs on this site published to encourage debates around a new GEM Report … Continue reading

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