First meeting of the Global Alliance to Monitor Learning

11 May 2016, Washington, DC

The first GAML meeting focused specifically on building consensus on a pragmatic approach to generate comparable measures for Targets 4.1, 4.2 and 4.6 by building on existing efforts and knowledge.

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Session 1: The SDG 4 Learning Agenda: setting the landscape - Ms. Silvia Montoya

Session 2: The SDG 4 Learning Agenda: Challenges and Opportunities - Ms. Silvia Montoya

PASEC – Mr. Jacques Malpel
PASEC Education system performance in CONFEMEN countries: Competencies and learning factors in primary education

LLECE – Mr. Atilio Pizarro
Latin American Laboratory for the assessment of quality of education: LLECE and E2030

EQAP – represented by Mr. Ross Turner of ACER (no PPT)
Pacific Island Literacy Numeracy Assessment

UNICEF – Mr. Manuel Cardoso
The Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS): from MDGs to SDGs

USAID – Ms. Christine Beggs
Overview of EGRA (Early Grade Reading Assessment) and EGMA (Early Grade Mathematics Assessment)

IEA – Mr. Dirk Hastedt
IEA’s LaNA (Literacy and Numeracy Assessment) for developing countries

OECD – Mr. Eric Charbonnier
OECD and SDG 4 - Education

Pearson – Mr. Joshua Fleming
The Efficacy Growth and Impact Goals

Save the Children - Ms. Amy Jo Dowd (no PPT)
The Early Childhood Development indicator

Measuring early learning quality and outcomes – Ms. Abbie Raikes
Measurement of target 4.2: 4.2.1 "Developmentally on track"

UNESCO Institute for Learning (UIL) – Mr. Arne Carlsen (no PPT)
UIL-UIS-OECD’s SLA (Short Literacy Assessment)

Centre for Global Development – Ms. Barbara Bruns (Presentation slides forthcoming)
Learning outcomes data for better policy: Recommendations for the international commission on financing global education outcomes

GPE Assessment for Learning (A4L) – Mr. Jean-Marc Bernard
Country support for learning assessment: A4L approach

Session 3: GAML governance structure - Ms. Silvia Montoya
