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COVID-19 has prompted widespread school closures and physical distancing measures and made online platforms and communities essential to maintaining a sense of normalcy. Children and their families are turning to digital solutions more than ever to support children’s learning, socialization and play. While digital solutions provide huge opportunities for sustaining and promoting children’s rights, these same tools may also increase children’s exposure to online risks. …
This joint note from the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations’ Children Fund (UNICEF) intends to provide government decision makers, school administrators/staff and partners with preliminary guidance on how to support, transform or adapt school feeding (in the short term) to help safeguard schoolchildren’s food security and nutrition during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, 107 countries had implemented national school closures by March 18, 2020. It is unknown whether school measures are effective in coronavirus outbreaks (eg, due to severe acute respiratory syndrome [SARS], Middle East respiratory syndrome, or COVID-19). We undertook a systematic review by searching three electronic databases to identify what is known about the effectiveness of school closures and other school social distancing practices during coronavirus outbreaks. We included 16 of 616 identified articles. …
“My Hero is You” is a book written for children around the world affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. “My Hero is You” should be read by a parent, caregiver or teacher alongside a child or a small group of children. It is not encouraged for children to read this book independently without the support of a parent, caregiver or teacher. The supplementary guide called “Actions for Heroes” (to be published later) offers support for addressing topics related to COVID-19, helping children manage feelings and emotions, as well as supplementary activities for children to do based on the book.
Las unidades educativas han cerrado sus puertas debido a la alerta nacional por la presencia del coronavirus (COVID -19), por lo que las niñas, niños y adolescentes no están asistiendo a clases con normalidad. Sin embargo, es muy importante que puedan seguir una rutina educativa en casa. Así tendrán días más organizados y seguirán aprendiendo. Eso les ayudará al retorno a clases.
Cartilla informativa sobre cómo se contagia, cuáles son los síntomas y forma de evitar el riesgo de infección por coronavirus (Covid 19).
As schools have closed due to COVID-19, the majority of children are learning remotely. Motivating your children during remote learning is central to their success. Motivation means ensuring they are interested, involved and confident in their learning. As a parent you have an important role to play by providing your children with encouragement and feedback.
In these times of school closure owing to the COVID-19 crisis, learners more than ever need their teachers’ support and continuous engagement with them. Please bear in mind that even with the best lessons lectured on TV or via the Internet we still need teachers to maintain learners’ motivation and progression through interacting with them regularly,.
As school closures due to COVID-19 impact the majority of learners, education systems deployed remote learning solutions. Motivation is a central to learning. This poster presents tips for teachers on what they can do to motivate learners in such times.
This report aims at supporting education decision making to develop and implement effective education responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The report explains why the necessary social isolation measures will disrupt school-based education for several months in most countries around the world. Absent an intentional and effective strategy to protect opportunity to learn during this period, this disruption will cause severe learning losses for students. …
What evidence exist regarding efforts to mitigate the secondary impact of past disease outbreaks and associated response on the education sector?
COVID-19: guidance for education settings poster
Recommendations for the education sector, governments and the international community to get children back into school and learning.
These guidelines were designed to assist schools to prevent or minimise the spread of infection, illness and disease to staff, pupils and others (such as student teachers and volunteers). They were primarily developed for use by teachers in primary and secondary schools. They aim to raise awareness about common and important infectious diseases and provide guidance on the prevention and management of infectious diseases in educational settings.
What schools will need to do during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.