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The Syllabus is presented in four strands personality and social development, growth development and health awareness, health of individual and community and physical fitness. Sub-strands include topics such as body awareness, nutrition, common disease and disorders, personal identity, relationship, resilience, environment health, personal hygiene, safety at home school and community, fundamental movement skills, educational gymnastic and swimming. …
The Syllabus is presented in four strands personality and social development, growth development and health awareness, health of individual and community and physical fitness. Out of these four strands, physical fitness strands aims to inculcate an active life throughout the life span with engagement in exercise and games which are needed for a healthy living. At the completion of the syllabus the child becomes a young person who is resilient has emotional strength and perseveres in the face of challenges and manifests courage, optimism, adaptability and resourcefulness.
Health and Physical Education Teacher’s Guide includes teaching ideas and strategies that can be used to trigger, reinforce and enrich students understanding of the concepts being taught. The book will assist the teachers to implement the Health and Physical Education Syllabus for Key Stage 1. A strong emphasis is laid on developing concepts, skills, values and attitudes. It encourages the teachers to adopt a variety of teaching approaches to facilitate and enhance learning. …
Health and Physical Education Teacher’s Guide includes teaching ideas and strategies that can be used to trigger, reinforce and enrich students understanding of the concepts being taught. The book will assist the teachers to implement the Health and Physical Education Syllabus for Key Stage 1. A strong emphasis is laid on developing concepts, skills, values and attitudes. It encourages the teachers to adopt a variety of teaching approaches to facilitate and enhance learning. …
Health and Physical Education Teacher’s Guide includes teaching ideas and strategies that can be used to trigger, reinforce and enrich students understanding of the concepts being taught. The book will assist the teachers to implement the Health and Physical Education Syllabus for Key Stage 1. A strong emphasis is laid on developing concepts, skills, values and attitudes. It encourages the teachers to adopt a variety of teaching approaches to facilitate and enhance learning. …
On Zero Discrimination Day and as part of the global movement for equality for women and girls, UNAIDS is highlighting seven areas where discrimination against women and girls persists, raising awareness and calling for change: 1) Equal participation in political life; 2) Human rights and laws that empower; 3) Economic justice - equal pay for equal work; 4) End gender-based violence; 5) Access to health care without stigma or barriers, including bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights; 6) Equal and free access to primary and secondary education; 7) Climate justice.
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools in Vanuatu has the opportunity to improve children’s health, increase attendance and performance at school and address gender and social inequalities. The WASH in Schools - Call to Action workshop presented a snapshot of WASH in Schools in Vanuatu, investigated the road to improvement and was the first step in engaging relevant stakeholders through a Call to Action. …
This report seeks to explore the unique experience of adolescent girls by examining the types of gender-based violence affecting this group as well as drivers of this violence, within the frame of high levels of gender inequality in South Sudan. Data for this study was collected as part of the research program of the What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls (‘What Works’) Consortium funded by the government of the United Kingdom (UK)’s Department for International Development (DfID). …
This brief highlights research that examines the unique experience of adolescent girls by specifically exploring the types of gender-based violence and the drivers of this violence affecting this group within the context of South Sudan, where women and girls experience high levels of gender inequality and subordination. Key findings from this mixed-methods research can inform policymakers, UN agencies and donors as they identify and support programs that will effectively prevent and respond to violence against adolescent girls in conflict and humanitarian settings.
The Global Nutrition Policy Review 2016–2017 is the report of the second comprehensive analysis of nutrition-related policy environment, coordination mechanisms, available capacities and actions being taken in the WHO Member States. 176 Member States (91%) and one area responded to the survey carried out between July 2016 and December 2017 on topic areas related to infant and young child nutrition, school health and nutrition, promotion of healthy diets, vitamin and mineral nutrition, prevention and management of acute malnutrition and nutrition, and infectious disease. …
This chapter provides model policies and guidance on developing multifaceted, coordinated policies to promote safe schools that protect students and help prepare them for a lifetime of safe living. …
The Health and Physical Well-being – Oraanga e te Tupuanga Meitaki – Curriculum establishes the direction for learning in Health Education, and Physical Education, through four general aims. These general aims become the four strands of the achievement objectives: Me; Me Being Physical; Me with Other People; and Me in the Community. The curriculum then sets out a clear and structured progression of achievement objectives. Five key areas of learning reflect and address the current health and physical education needs of Cook Islands students. …
This guide provides a basic understanding about why and how comprehensive school health should be promoted in schools. The guide includes numerous ideas for coordinators and teachers to infuse health content through all the subjects in the curriculum and, in addition, provides guidance on how to promote and protect a safe and supportive learning environment.
This thematic segment background note analyses the impact of AIDS on children, adolescents and youth through the life course from childhood to adulthood by age range [0-4] [5-10] [11-14] [15-24]. It also identifies countries and specific thematic areas where notable successes/progress in HIV-related outcomes for children, adolescents, and youth have been achieved and discuss the key factors that led to those successes. …
In response to a global policy effort to increase school enrollment, in 1994 Malawi became one of the first low-income countries to eliminate primary school fees. Since then, Malawi has achieved nearly universal primary enrollment, however enrolling young Malawians in school has not translated into keeping them in school. This policy brief describes the nature and consequences of school violence in rural Malawi - a common experience for both girls and boys. …