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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Climat scolaire et bien-être à l'école

    Ce numéro spécial de la revue Éducation et formations s’intéresse au climat scolaire et au bien-être à l'école. Ces concepts y sont définis et discutés dans leurs multiples dimensions individuelles et collectives : goût pour l'école, satisfaction professionnelle, relations entre élèves, relations entre enseignants et élèves, rapport aux évaluations, sentiment de sécurité, etc. Ces dimensions sont confrontées aux caractéristiques des individus et des établissements. …

  2. The Review of health and nutrition indicators in early childhood

    The aim of this document is to make a comprehensive review of early childhood health and nutrition indicators as a contribution and input to the process of devising a holistic child development index. The first part of the paper introduces the topic of child health and development from the standpoint of early childhood health and nutrition determinants and the global situation in general. …

  3. Bien-être des élèves à l’école et promotion de leur santé. synthèse de la littérature internationale pour le Conseil National d’Évaluation du Système Scolaire (CNESCO)

    L’état de santé des élèves est une composante majeure de leur bien-être. A ce titre, il est nécessaire de développer chez les jeunes les connaissances et comportements favorables à leur santé. Or, l’école est le lieu le plus favorable à cela : d’une part, l’élève y passe plus d’un tiers de son temps éveillé ; d’autre part, elle est le lieu le plus indiqué pour une acquisition égalitaire des connaissances et comportements favorables à la santé, en s’adressant aux élèves issus de différents milieux familiaux et socio-économiques. …

  4. Advancing WASH in schools monitoring: working paper

    The working paper presents data on the coverage of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in primary schools gathered from 149 countries for the period 2008-2013. It also compares current national WASH in Schools (WinS) monitoring indicators against global guidelines. It aims to promote and support improved monitoring of WinS so that coverage indicators can be included in the forthcoming Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  5. Programme national d’alimentation, de nutrition et de santé scolaire 2013-2015

    L’Alimentation, la Nutrition et la Santé Scolaire sont parmi les facteurs déterminants pour un enseignement de qualité. La mise en œuvre de Programme National d’Alimentation, de Nutrition et de Santé Scolaire consiste à délivrer les moyens efficaces aux apprenants ou à leur famille, pour atteindre à l’«amélioration de la performance scolaire », un des objectifs du Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale. Ce document contient des dispositions à prendre pour créer et gérer un établissement PNANSS. …

  6. Monitoring and evaluation of school-based health and nutrition programmes: A participative review

    Over the past two decades, many governments and organizations have renewed efforts to develop more effective school-based health and nutrition programmes in low income countries. In large part, this has resulted from the growing body of evidence linking children’s health and education; and the impact of school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes on improving these outcomes and contributing to Education for All (EFA) and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). …

  7. Monitoring and evaluation guidance for school health programs. Eight core indicators to support FRESH (Focussing Resources on Effective School Health)

    Focusing Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH), an intersectoral partnership, has developed Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance for School Health Programmes. The guidance is divided into three documents: Monitoring and Evaluation Guidance for School Health Programs - Eight Core Indicators to Support FRESH The main purpose of the FRESH (M&E;) School Health Core Indicators is to assess and monitor national-level progress in implementing a comprehensive school health program, specifically the four FRESH pillars recommended in the internationally-agreed FRESH framework. …

  8. Guidelines for the implementation of the health promoting schools initiative (HPSI)

    The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines that should be used by persons who are responsible for developing and implementing strategic school health programs. This information will facilitate the development of the Health Promoting School Initiative (HPSI) and identification of appropriate activities at national, regional/provincial, district, sub district, community and school levels.

  9. Monitoring and evaluation guidance for school health part one: Eight core indicators to support FRESH

    At the World Education Forum in Dakar in 2000, international agencies agreed on a common framework for school health – FRESH (Focusing Resources on Effective School Health). Despite the huge growth in the implementation of FRESH at country- and project-level, no internationally agreed guidance on how to monitor and evaluate school health programs exist. …

  10. First Principles: Designing Effective Education Programs for School Health in Developing Countries Compendium

    This compendium is intended for USAID education officers as a practical guide to support governments in developing countries that desire to establish or strengthen school health programs, sometimes also called schools-based health promotion programs. The most important factor for the success of robust school health programs in developing countries has been the creation of strong partnerships between ministries of education and ministries of health. …

  11. Health-promoting schools: a resource for developing indicators

    This book emerged from a series of workshops the Technical Secretariat of the European Network of Health Promoting Schools (ENHPS) initiated on practice and evaluation of the health-promoting schools approach. Chapter 1 presents a brief historical overview of the ENHPS by addressing some of the most important events and conferences. Chapter 2 discusses the stakeholders - students, teachers, parents, communities and researchers - and their potential roles in collaborating to develop health-promoting schools. …

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