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Le noken, sac multifonctionnel noué ou tissé, artisanat du peuple de Papouasie

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Inscrit en 2012 (7.COM) sur la Liste du patrimoine immatériel nécessitant une sauvegarde urgente

© 2011 Centre for Research and Development of Culture

Le noken est un sac noué ou tissé à la main à partir de fibre de bois ou de feuilles par les communautés des provinces indonésiennes de Papouasie et de Papouasie occidentale. Les hommes et les femmes s’en servent pour transporter le produit des plantations, la pêche maritime ou lacustre, le bois de chauffe, les bébés ou les petits animaux, ainsi que pour faire les courses et ranger des affaires à la maison. Le noken peut aussi se porter souvent à l’occasion de fêtes traditionnelles ou être offert en signe de paix. La méthode de fabrication du noken varie selon les communautés mais, en général, on coupe les branches, les tiges ou l’écorce de petits arbres ou d’arbustes qu’on met sur le feu et qu’on fait tremper dans l’eau. La fibre de bois qui reste est séchée, puis tournée pour obtenir un gros fil ou de la ficelle qu’on colore parfois avec des teintures naturelles. Cette ficelle est nouée à la main pour réaliser des filets de différents points et modèles. Le procédé requiert une grande dextérité manuelle, de l’attention et un sens artistique, et prend plusieurs mois à maîtriser. Néanmoins, le nombre de personnes qui fabriquent et utilisent le noken est en train de se réduire. Les facteurs qui menacent sa survie sont la prise de conscience insuffisante, l’affaiblissement de la transmission traditionnelle, le déclin du nombre d’artisans, la concurrence des sacs industriels, les problèmes d’approvisionnement facile et rapide en matières premières traditionnelles et l’évolution des valeurs culturelles du noken.

Rapport périodique

A. Page de couverture

A.1. État partie

Nom de l'État partie


A.2. Date du dépôt de l'instrument de ratification, d'acceptation, d'approbation ou d'adhésion


A.3. Élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente qui fait l'objet du présent rapport

Nom de l'élément

Noken multifunctional knotted or woven bag, handcraft of the people of Papua

Inscrit en


A.4. Période considérée dans le présent rapport

16-12-2015 - 16-12-2019

A.5. Autres éléments inscrits sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente, le cas échéant

La danse Saman (2011)

A.6. Synthèse du rapport

Noken, one of the cultural heritage prides of Papuan and West Papuan, goes by different names in seven (7) different customary land areas of Papua and West Papua. There are two methods of making Noken, namely weaving and knotting. Both of these techniques are closely depended upon the area where the maker lives. The weaving is the ideal method for Noken makers living on coastal areas due to the type of materials available such as coastal pandanus/screw pines. Meanwhile, the knitting method is ideal for the makers living in the mountains due to the type of materials available such as bark, wood, and roots of trees that are abundant inland. Noken community comprises of people who wear Noken, of all age groups, male and female, Noken makers who are mostly women, and Noken enthusiasts.
In 2012, Noken inscribed on the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding. As mentioned in Noken nomination file point 2, the traditional know-how related to Noken is in need of urgent safeguarding because of risks of a gap in transmission to younger generations, competition from modern and imported products, and the scarcity of traditional materials that are being replaced by synthetic materials.
After the inscription, the State Party responsible undertakes plan of activities/actions as referred to in the nomination file. The threats affecting Noken, immediately anticipated by the government by involving Noken communities in Papua and West Papua. Government, both central and local perform various activities in an effort to preserve the Noken culture. Central government, in this case Ministry of Education and Culture has compiled teaching materials on how to make Noken for early-childhood to high school/vocational school students. This was done the best way possible to ease transmission of Noken culture and making techniques to the students, to ensure Noken ICH sustainability. The teaching materials on Noken has been distributed in Papua and West Papua. In 2014, the local government encourage Noken-wearing for civil servants every Thursdays and Fridays. This is ideally effective to boost the production of Noken by craftperson (who are generally women known as “mama-mama Papua”). Sanggar (traditional arts training centres) revitalised, productivity improved to meet demands from general public, tourists, private, and government. The Noken inscription on the UNESCO ICH List, also impacted the Noken sellers at Hamadi souvenir market in Jayapura. Today, the demand of buyers and tourists, both foreign and domestic of natural materials Noken are increasing. According to one of the sellers, it is easier to sell natural materials Noken compared to the synthetic materials made.
Natural-materials Noken gain popularity, especially among the younger generation. Through sanggar, young girls started to learn about weaving and knitting Noken. Today, the people of Papua have gain more pride to use Noken. This was due to the increase of socialisation and information about Noken by both government and communities, which has been inscribed on the UNESCO ICH list.
Three activity measures are effective for safeguarding Noken. The first measure is the transmission of the culture to the younger generation, especially students. The second is facilitation, which means to provide facilities to the craftperson to develop and demonstrate their skills in a variety of events, such as trainings, festivals, and exhibitions. The third is the revitalization of Noken sanggar, both in Jayapura and Manokwari, capital of the provinces, as well as in all districts/municipalities.

A.7. Personne à contacter pour la correspondance

Titre (Mme/M., etc.)


Nom de famille





Director General of Culture Ministry of Education and Culture


Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Gedung E Lantai 4
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman
Jakarta 10270

Numéro de téléphone

+62 21 572 5035; +62 21 572 5578

Adresse électronique


Autres informations pertinentes

B. État de l'élément inscrit sur la Liste de sauvegarde urgente

B.1. Fonctions sociales et culturelles

In everyday life, Noken serves as a bag, clothing, or a head cover (cap). Noken is knotted net or woven bag handmade from wood, bark, roots of screw pine fibres. Sometimes Noken are colored and embellished with ornaments.
Big size Noken carries garden produce, seafood, stems, babies, small animals, groceries, etc. Noken is also used to store goods like a food cupboard. Small size Noken carries personal items, such as money, betel nuts, food, books and others. Moreover, Noken can be used as clothing. The women of Papua, especially in rural areas wear Noken as clothes, either as a shirt or a skirt.
In addition to its daily functions, Noken has social, cultural, and economic functions.
Socially, Noken serve as social identity of indigenous community of Papua; Noken unifies the indigenous communities in Papua. Noken is a unification symbol that unites more than 250 ethnic groups in Papua; Noken can distinguish one’s social status in society. The Noken worn by the leaders is different from that worn by ordinary people; Noken is also a symbol of togetherness, brotherhood and mutual help; Noken is also a recognition of property rights of individuals. The Papuan appreciate a person's property and careful with any object owns by others; Noken also interpreted as a token of appreciation from one person to another. Noken serves as gifts or as a memento to someone special and important to the giver.
Culturally, Noken in an important part of dowry, in traditional ceremonies of marriage proposals and ceremonies; signs of maturity of a woman, Noken become a symbol of maturity in the initiation ceremony, a traditional ceremony of the coming of age in the human life cycle; coronation of traditional/customary leaders, Noken is a customary object required in the coronation ceremony of the leaders; one of the objects required for peace, required for the peace ceremony, customary objects that should be available are Noken, pig, and bia shell/sea shell. Once the three things collected the peace ceremony is considered legitimate and both warring ethnic groups reconciled; Noken is a family heritage that must be preserved. Noken is equal to any inherit objects, such as lands, houses, animals, Timor cloth, etc; a storage for treasures and heirlooms, such as bia shell/sea shell, Timor cloth, beads, etc.
Economically, Noken functions as a storage for family food supplies, when the food supplies stored in Noken is thinning it is time to refill. Thus, Noken is an "early warning system" of food stock; Noken also has a high economic value and can be sold at anytime. For mama-mama Papua, Noken is considered as their emergency "savings", for example for sending children to school; Noken serves as a currency of exchange or barter, for those who need a particular item can obtain the item by exchange it with a Noken; Noken can also function as a substitute for fishing tackle/net. Noken shape that resembles net is suitable for fishing.

B.2. Analyse de sa viabilité et risques auxquels il est actuellement exposé

The impact of Noken inscription on the UNESCO ICH List is positive for its sustainability. Noken stakeholders and community work together to revitalise it. Traditional Noken made of natural not synthetic materials regain its popularity among Papuan. The awareness of Noken as the identity and pride of the Papuan has gradually revived.
Various government regulations issued, such as designation of 4 December as Noken Day to celebrate every year and the encouragement by to wear Noken on Thursdays and Fridays for civil servants in Papua initiated by the provincial government. These have revitalised Noken. Mama-mama Papua are weaving and knotting Nokens to meet the demands from the public, civil servants and private institutions. A draft regulation on Noken as official souvenir of Papua replacing Cenderawasih (the birds of paradise) formulated.
Sanggar are growing both in rural and capital of the province, namely Jayapura and Manokwari. Every day, mama-mama gather in sanggar for Noken weaving and knotting with a new spirit to create. When asked about the reason, the mama-mama said that the current demands of Noken made of traditional materials are growing, from the public, tourists, and private sectors for various activities such as seminars or meetings. Besides, traditional Noken made of natural materials are also increasingly favored by both foreign and domestic tourists according to souvenir sellers in Jayapura’s Hamadi Market. The sellers mentioned that current selling of Noken made of natural materials are easier than synthetic materials. Tourists who come to the market are more interested in buying the traditional Noken souvenirs than synthetic materials. This is due to a stream of information disseminated by the Noken community and local government, which mentions that the traditional Noken is the one inscribed on the UNESCO ICH List.
Various safeguarding efforts have been made by stakeholders, such as regulations, the transmission of values and skills by formal and non-formal education through sanggar, craftsperson capacity building, etc. However, despite efforts conducted to safeguard Noken, threats to Noken sustainability still exist.
Internal threats come from the scarcity of Noken natural materials from fibers, bark, sticks, leaves of coastal pandanus trees/screw pines. Another threat is the process of making raw material into ready to weave or knotted yarn, which requires a long and intricate process from raw materials seeking, spinning, and weaving/knotting as one activity that can integrate the community and foster mutual cooperation among mama-mama.
Another real threat to the living Noken culture is the increasing number of factory-made bags offered in many outlets, especially in the city of Jayapura and Manokwari. The younger generation prefers to use the factory-made bags because they are relatively cheaper than Noken and modern-looking, which is more appealing to them. The fast pace of development and modernization, the influence of modern media, such as television, video, Internet, video games, etc. affects almost all regions of Papua. Interest of the younger generation to cultural heritage, in particular Noken is fading.

B.3. Mise en œuvre des mesures de sauvegarde

B.3.a. Objectifs et résultats

The Noken Nomination file (file nomination point 3.a. paragraph 1) mentions the safeguarding measures made by the provincial and district/municipal governments to safeguard Noken cultural heritage, such as:
- to provide guidance and assistance as incentives to the craftspersons of Noken
- to include Noken as a local content subject
- to find solutions to ensure availability of natural raw materials
Since its inscription on the List, Noken have been revitalised. Printed teaching materials module on Noken have been distributed to various places, but not all areas can be covered and the modules are limited compare to the areas of coverage. Thus, the provincial governments of Papua and West Papua, in this case represented by the Offices of Education and Culture in the two provinces, plan to reprint the modules to meet the demands.
In 2016, the Offices of Education and Culture of the Province of Papua and the Office of Education of West Papua put Noken in the local content curriculum. In cooperation with the mama-mama in the city of Jayapura, the trainings of teachers who will teach Noken culture have been conducted. This year (2016), trainings of teachers have been conducted in ten (10) junior and senior high schools. The teachers were trained by mama-mama.
Before Noken inscription on UNESCO ICH list (2012), it was very difficult to find a sanggar in Jayapura city. Noken craftspersons could only be found around Lake Sentani, done by individuals but not by sanggar. The Office of Culture and Tourism of the Province of Papua in 2013 began its support assistance to sanggar in the city of Jayapura. The result is an increasing number of sanggar in Jayapura. The mama-mama originated from various districts/municipalities in the provinces of Papua and West Papua, who live in the city of Jayapura join with the existing sanggar. The joyful spirit of the mama-mama linked closely to the increasing number of people wearing Noken, as well as the increasing orders for Noken to be used as seminar kits or souvenirs from private parties.
Data from the Office of Tourism and Creative Economy has shown that the numbers of Noken craftspersons in the sanggar are growing each year:
1. Sanggar Nabua Kabua has 10 craftpersons in 2013. By 2016 the number increased to 68. This sanggar is originated from Wamena Mountain Rangers.
2. Sanggar Iwin Kurudu has 5 craftpersons in 2014, currently the number increased to 82. The craftpersons who joined in the sanggar came from Serui district.
3. Sanggar Anim has 10 craftpersons in 2013. In 2016 this number increased to 37. The craftpersons who joined in the sanggar came from Paniai district.
4. Sanggar Kuin has 7 craftpersons in 2015, but by 2016 this number had increased to 15. The craftpersons who joined in the sanggar came from the Dogiyai district.
5. Sanggar Onomi in Jayapura has 5 craftpersons in 2014, but today the number of craftpersons had increased to 25.

B.3.b. Activités de sauvegarde

Since Noken inscription on the UNESCO ICH list in 2012, various activities have been carried out by both government and community. Within the reporting period of 2012-2016, various activities have been carried out to maintain sustainability of Noken. These activities refer to the action plan that has been submitted in the Noken Nomination Form, as follows:
A. Inventory of Noken Cultural Heritage
Inventory of Noken Cultural Heritage needs to be done to enrich information about Noken in seven customary areas in both provinces of Papua and West Papua. Accurate information related to various activities associated with Noken is important to be used as a database for further Noken safeguarding activities. Inventory shall be carried out gradually and periodically given the vastness of the areas of Papua and West Papua. Noken communities can also be empowered and trained to participate in the collection of data concerning their own cultural heritage. In July 2016, the inventory activity has been carried out by the Office of Education and Culture of the province of Papua, and the Office of Education and Culture of the province of West Papua.
B. Formulating Teaching Materials on Noken, by books, interactive CD/DVD and posters
One of the media to transmit knowledge concerning cultural values, meanings, and functions and how to make Noken is through the book of teaching materials. In June 2013, the Ministry of Education and Culture in collaboration with Noken communities has published a Module on for early childhood education, junior, and high school/vocational schools.
A book about Noken once was published by Lembaga Ekologi Papua (Papua Ecological Institute) in 2011. The book examines a wide range of information about Noken as a Cultural Heritage of the people of Papua. The Book entitled "Noken Cermin Papua" is about Noken as a culture that is closely attached to the Papuans. In addition to publishing the book, in 2015, Lembaga Ekologi Papua also published Noken Calendar.
C. Inclusion of Noken in school curricula as Local Content
This year, 2016, Noken have been used in formal education as the local content in Papua province. The Office of Education and Culture is currently working on the Papua Special Autonomy Fund partly used for the safeguarding of culture, especially for Noken. With this fund Noken galleries will be built in 5 customary land areas of the Papuans. The pilot project is in Mepago customary land area in Nabire district. These Noken galleries constructions are expected to be in line with the inclusion of Noken into local content.
Traditionally, in the transmission process of Noken parents introduced it to children when a mother carrying her baby with Noken. When the child is able to walk, mama-mama put Noken on her daughters or sons, both man and woman. Nowadays, the tradition especially in urban areas has begun to fade. Thus, efforts to introduce Noken through local content in a curriculum is necessary for the younger generation who are not familiar with the tradition. Some of the students said that they knew Noken from school. Cultural transmission through formal education thus play a huge role in accelerating the process of Noken cultural transmission.
D. Noken Trainings in Sanggar (Pilot Projects)
Sanggar are the vanguard of Noken safeguard efforts and keep Noken from diminishing. One of the protection efforts mentioned on the Noken nomination file is to start providing guidance and assistance to the craftperson of Noken. The assistance shall be given through the sanggar. There are several small sanggar in West Sentani, Epouto (Paniai), Biak, Wamena, Mokwam (nomination file point 2 paragraph 2). The sanggar in various areas become the strategic points in revitalisation of Noken that was previously endangered.
In the city of Jayapura, the number of sanggar is growing rapidly. The mama-mama coming from various regions and currently live in the city of Jayapura have established sanggar. Currently the number of crafterperson in the sanggar increasing by the day (see B3.a). In May 2016, the Ministry of Industry in collaboration with the Office of Industry and Trade of Papua province held a technical capacity building training for the Papuan craftpersons. Moreover, in the same year, the Agency of Creative Economy in cooperation with the Office of Tourism and Creative Economy of Papua province organized product innovation and Noken making trainings as handcraft from Papua.
E. Revitalization of Noken Culture in Society (in cooperation with Customary Institutions of Papua)
Customary Institutions in Papua society still hold a strategic role in the cultural safeguarding efforts. Noken culture safeguarding efforts become more effective if supported by traditional/customary institutions. In Jayapura, there are at least 14 sanggar that affiliated with the traditional/customary institutions in their areas of origin. For example, Sanggar Iwin Karudu where the craftspersons was originated from Serui district.
Regional Customary Council of Hubula in Wamena district gave considerable attention to the development of Noken in Papua. Through this traditional institution, Papuans originating from Wamena staying in Jayapura can keep good relations with crafters of Noken in the district of Wamena. Often the raw materials are sent from the Wamena mountain ranges, given the raw materials are hard to find in the city of Jayapura. This is where the traditional/customary institutions play their role in reviving the Noken culture.
F. Promotion of Noken as a cultural work by local governments through exhibitions, festivals and others
Regional governments, both in the provinces of Papua and West Papua have been actively promoting Noken through exhibitions, festivals, and so forth. The Office of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Office of Industry and Trade provide assistance to the craftperson by showcasing their Noken crafts in a variety of activities, both in Papua or in various regions throughout Indonesia, even abroad.

B.3.c. Participation de communautés, de groupes ou d'individus aux activités de sauvegarde

Individuals, groups, communities, academicians, Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) has a great contribution to the safeguard efforts of Noken. Some of the activities involving the Noken community can be described as follows:
- Inventory of Noken, involving academicians from Cenderawasih University in Papua and Papua University in West Papua. Through Loka Budaya Museum, Cenderawasih University is conducting an inventory on Noken from different areas in Papua and will make a special place dedicated to Noken culture.
- Involving groups or individual in the formulation of teaching materials such as books, videos, and posters conducting by Yayasan Ekologi Papua. There are have been several books published by the foundation related to Noken culture. The foundation also printed a poster calendar with Papua Noken Culture theme.
- Improving skills and marketing. Komunitas Noken Papua (KONOPA), a non-governmental organization, is actively giving training to craftspersons for improving the skills and marketing. Moreover, the community has been conducted various activities that are expected to improve the livelihoods of craftspersons, among others:
- Noken marketing through internet.
- Applying for a Noken trademark or handycraft label with the trademark name of KONOPA.
- The local district governments in Papua encourage the use of Noken by civil servants to office. The use of Noken bags by government officials will increase the interest of Noken craftspersons and the production of Noken.
- Revitalizing Noken through customary communities. To revive the culture of knitting and weaving Noken among mama-mama have been done through various sanggar established by customary communities. Today, these sanggar are often found in the cities of Jayapura and Manokwari, customary communities established the sanggar to provide facilities for mama-mama to create Noken. For example sanggar Nabua Kabuwa of the customary community of Wamena district, Koya Aki and Sama Busah of the customary community of Paniai district, Anim of the customary community of Nabire district, Fau Soway of the customary community of Jayapura district, Mamary and Iwin Miobo Karudu of the customary community of Serui district.

B.3.d. Calendrier et budget

In April 2013, the Ministry of Education and Culture has given the true-copy of Noken Certificate in ceremonial event in Jayapura and Manokwari, at cost Rp 100,000,000.
In 2013, a groundbreaking ceremony for the development of Noken Museum, which construction required IDR 5,000,000,000 and planned to be fully operational in 2017.
In June 2013, the Ministry of Education and Culture formulated a teaching module for elementary, junior, and senior/vocational school students at cost IDR 400,000,000.
In October 2013, the Ministry of Education and Culture conducted a Workshop and Exhibition on Noken-making at cost IDR 1,400,000,000.
In November 2013, the Office for Safeguarding of Cultural Values (BPNB) Papua conducted a Jejak Tradisi (footprints of tradition) in Teminabuan District, West Papua province, at cost IDR 250,000,000.
In December 2013, activities to promote the teaching module have been conducted in Jayapura and Manokwari, at cost IDR 400,000,000. This event participated by Noken community and enthusiasts.
In December 2013, making and delivery of a Noken Monument to seven customary land areas of Papua, at cost IDR 200,000,000.
In December 2013, the first Noken Day celebration by the Office of Culture and Tourism of the Province of Papua in cooperation with the Noken community at cost IDR 500,000,000.
In December 2013, Papua Ecological Foundation re-printed (third edition) of “Noken Cermin Papua” book, at cost IDR 90,000,000.
In June 2014, the Office of Culture and Tourism of Papua Province collaborate with Noken community of Papua and craftspersons organised Noken exhibition in Monas, Jakarta at cost IDR 260,000,000.
In December 2014, the Office of Culture and Tourism of Papua province together with the Papua Noken community and mama-mama Noken craftspersons celebrated the second Noken Day at cost IDR 125,000,000.
In June 2015, the Office of Creative Economy (Dinas Parekraf) in collaboration with the Noken of Papua and craftspersons organised a Noken exhibition in Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), Jakarta at cost IDR 195,000,000.
In June 2015, Dinas Parekraf of Papua revitalized Sanggar Nabuwa Kabuwa, which includes physical construction of sanggar as a pilot project at cost IDR 700,000,000.
In November 2015, Papua Ecological Institute printed poster calendars at cost IDR 25,000,000.
In July 2016, the Office of Education and Culture of West Papua and Papua Provinces in cooperation with academics and Noken community organised Noken Culture Inventory Making activity at cost IDR 300,000,000 and IDR 500,000,000 respectively.
In August 2016, Dinas Parekraf of Papua Province in cooperation with Noken community and craftspersons participated in a Noken exhibition in Bali at cost IDR 195,000,000.
In November 2016, the Office of the Governor of Papua in cooperation with the Noken community of Papua and craftspersons organised a training on Noken Product Diversification in Yogyakarta at cost IDR 200,000,000.

B.3.e. Efficacité globale des activités de sauvegarde

Action plan drawn up along with nomination forms are intended to ensure the successful safeguarding of Noken from diminishing. The action plan drawn up as a basis of safeguarding activities to safeguard Noken from various influences that could threaten the existence of Noken. Government, both central and local provide space and facilities for the Noken community to perform their activities.
Facilitations of government, both central and local serve to stimulate and to increase the passion of Noken community to be proud of the Noken culture. Various activities of the government is used as an driving for the activities of massive nature conducted by Noken community, both in the capital of the province and district/municipality. Cooperation with the private sector is one of the efforts made by the Noken community at the instigation of the government. It can be seen with the participation of the Bank of Papua, Freeport, and WWF Papua in supporting Noken cultural activities, e.g. organising Noken Day and various events involving mama-mama Noken as craftspersons of Papua.
Facilitating Noken community, especially the craftperson, has been realized in the form of participation in various activities, such as festivals, exhibitions, training, promotional events, and so on to various areas, in the province of Papua and West Papua, in Indonesia, or abroad. The events are intended to encourage and revive the spirit of the craftpersons. Meanwhile, a variety of education and training activities are expected to increase the skills of the craftpersons. The programme that also plays an important role in the safeguarding and revitalization of Noken culture development are Noken sanggar revitalisation. Although not many sanggar have been revitalised, but the effort to revitalize sanggar with various aid schemes and mentoring have been done. Currently, in Jayapura and Manokwari, we can find many Noken sanggar that are thriving. In the sanggar, mama-mama are weaving and knitting due to government's policy that encourage the use of Noken as well as the participation of the private sector in promoting Noken. In addition to increasing productivity, the presence of sanggar also increase the interest of young generation to learn weaving and knitting of Noken. More craftpersons are joining sanggar including the younger generation.
Those concern with Noken, such as the Institute of Ecology of Papua and Papua Noken Community, also provide assistance to the craftperson in various sanggar. Both organisations are persistent in making progress for the development of Noken. Yayasan Ekologi Papua, in its annual agenda conduct dissemination and promotion of Noken culture of Papua to various areas in Papua, and also at the national level. Meanwhile, Papua Noken Community provide legal assistance for the craftperson by legalization of Noken trademark produced, as well as create a website to promote the Noken culture.
Which have been taken by the government, private sector, the craftpersons, and other Noken community demonstrate the effectiveness in an effort to safeguard, develop, and utilise Noken culture. Government, both central and local can be a good facilitator for Noken culture safeguarding efforts. The involvement of the private sector and the Noken NGO community further strengthens Noken culture revitalization efforts and further safeguard Noken from diminishing.

C. Mise à jour des mesures de sauvegarde

C.1. Plan de sauvegarde mis à jour

Latest safeguarding programme has been drawn up as an action plan for the 2016-2020 period of report. The action plan has been formulated based on the previous period of report that has not been optimally implemented due to various constraints. These constraints include the vast coverage area of Papua and West Papua and limited human resources. Moreover, there is an addition to the action plan for the 2016-2020 report period to accelerate transmission of knowledge on the values, meanings and functions of Noken for those who didn't participate in the trainings. The latest action plan comprises of:

1. Inventory of Noken cultural heritage
Objective: To obtain data on Noken of various indigenous people in Papua and West Papua particularly in customary territory of Bomberay covering the districts of Kaimana, Timika, Fakfak and the customary territory of Ha Anim covering the districts of Asmat, Merauke, Mapi, Boven Digul. Inventory was mainly conducted on Noken craftspersons.
Result: Written records and photo, video, books/essay documentations etc, so Noken can be preserved by record. Data will be stored at the Directorate General of Culture, and also by the Office for Preservation of Cultural Values, and Office of Education and Culture of Papua and West Papua Provinces, Taman Budaya Papua, Museum Negeri Provinsi Papua and Offices of Education and Culture of districts and municipalities in Papua and West Papua.
Activity: compiling the result of research/record on every aspects of Noken from meaning, values, and function, natural materials, natural dyes, local names, process of making, etc. Inventory making has been done based on the Guidance for Inventorying, Inscribing, and Nominating Intangible Cultural Heritage published by Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Diplomacy. Field research to collect data by interviewing craftspersons and other sources, taking photos and making videos. Due to the vast and isolated areas of Papua, two cultural areas have been selected for pilot research objects.
Responsible institution: Directorate General of Culture, Office for Safeguarding of Cultural Values, Office of Education and Culture of Papua and West Papua Provinces, Taman Budaya Papua and Offices of Culture and Tourism in districts and municipalities of Papua and West Papua. Research by the Centre of Education and Culture Policy Research.
Time Period: 2017-2020.
Budget Estimates: IDR 700,000,000.
Budget Sources: APBN (State budget) and APBD (Local government budget)

2. Revising the teaching materials of Noken
Objective: the existing teaching materials revised. Simplifying content and visual layout so as to be easily understood for student about Noken traditional knowledge and know-how.
Result: the teaching materials can be more user-friendly to transmission of values, meaning and function of Noken to strengthen the students character.
Activity: Publication of Noken teaching materials with a more simple content, layout, and interesting illustrations, which designs are adjusted to each level of educations from elementary to high school.
Responsible institution: Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Diplomacy
Time Period: 2017-2020
Budget Estimates: IDR 800,000,000.
Budget Resources: APBN (State budget)

3. To increase the capacity of practitioners and craftspersons in terms of knowledge on the values, meanings and functions of Noken
Objective: To improve knowledge on values, meanings and functions of Noken among practitioners (Noken and tourism entrepreneurs) and craftspersons. This was done as part of efforts to convey the message of values, meanings and functions attached to Noken to a wider public.
Result: Practitioners and craftspersons are expected to understand and to be able to convey the values, meanings and functions of Noken to their partners.
Activity: Special workshop to increase understanding of values, meanings and functions of practitioners and craftspersons. Other activities are creation of banners and printed information, which contains values, meanings and functions of Noken to be displayed in sanggar, as well as brief information on Noken culture attached to the Noken souvenirs.
Responsible institution: Office of Cultural Heritage and Diplomacy, Office of Education and Culture, Office of Tourism and Creative Economy of Papua and West Papua provinces, Office of Industry and Trade of Papua and West Papua provinces, Office of SMEs and Cooperatives
Time Period: 2017-2020
Budget Estimates: IDR 450,000,000.
Budget Resources: APBN (State budget) and APBD (Local government budget)

4. To ensure availability of natural materials for Noken
Objective: To provide natural materials to make Noken
Result: Natural materials for Noken production can be fulfilled.
Activity: Planting trees as natural materials to make Noken. This activity can be carried out in collaboration with customary community and Province Government in identifying the trees species and provision of land for tree planting.
Responsible institution: Office of Forestry of the Papua and West Papua
Time Period: 2017-2020
Budget Estimates: IDR 500,000,000.
Budget Resources: APBD (Local government budget)

5. To improve the skills of craftspersons
Objective: Today, many sanggar emerging in the cities of Jayapura and Manokwari, but the craftsmanships are not equal. Trainings are required for young crafters as to increase the skills, diversification of products and creativity.
Result: Improved skills of craftspersons. Acceleration of knowledge transmission to young crafters.
Activity: Workshops and trainings for craftspersons incorporated in sanggar in Papua and West Papua.
Responsible institution: Office of Industry and Trade, Office of Tourism and Creative Economy, Office of Education and Culture.
Time Period: 2017-2020
Budget Estimates: IDR 400,000,000.
Budget Resources: APBD (Local government budget)

6. Noken culture promotion
Objective: Introducing Noken to the people inside and outside Papua.
Result: Through promotions, people is expected to know and understand Noken not only as the cultural heritage of Papua but also of Indonesia and even the world.
Activity: Noken promotion has been done through exhibitions, fairs and festivals.
Responsible institution: Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Diplomacy, Ministry of Tourism, Creative Economy Agency, Ministry of Industry, Office of Industry and Trade, Office of Tourism and Creative Economy, Office of Education and Culture.
Time Period: 2017-2020
Budget Estimates: IDR 1,500,000,000.
Budget Resources: APBN (State budget) and APBD (Local government budget)

C.2. Participation des communautés

Sanggar Noken
Sanggar Noken provide cultural spaces for activities and to improve creativity as well as contribute to the economy through Noken sales of the mama-mama Papua. Sanggar participate to promote Noken through the work of mama-mama.

The academics involved in the inventory of Noken through book publications, researches related to Noken natural materials and dyeing. The result of inventory of natural raw materials and dyeing from the research maintaining the availability of Noken materials in nature.

Civil Society Organization
Yayasan Ekologi Papua helped socialise the meaning, values, function of Noken to various regions in Papua and West Papua, through workshops, calendars and posters.
Konopa conducts Noken promotions via internet, promoting the use of Noken among civil servants in the districts/municipalities throughout Papua and West Papua Provinces.

Customary Institution
The Papuans have their own traditional institutions that play important role in the transmission of knowledge on meaning, values, and function of various cultural heritage that exist in its society. Customary institutions have rules and collective agreements that are adhered to by the Papuans including the division of customary areas, its possession and utilisation. Both the government and the customary institutions can cooperate through planting the trees that provide natural materials for Noken production. Aside from being involved in ensuring the availability of the natural materials, the customary institution also contributed to the increase of Noken utilization through the existing rules on the use of Noken in customary/cultural activities.

C.3. Contexte institutionnel

A. Competent agencies:
Coordinating Ministry for Human and Cultural Developments
Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
Ministry of Tourism
Creative Economy Agency
Office of Education and Culture of Papua and West Papua Provinces
Office of Tourism and Creative Economy of Papua and West Papua Provinces
Office of Tourism and Creative Economy of districts/municipalities of Papua and West Papua Provinces
Office of Industry and Trade of Papua and West Papua Provinces
Office of Industry and Trade of regencies/municipalities in Papua and West Papua Provinces
Regional Office of National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) of Papua and West Papua Provinces
Office for Preservation of Cultural Values of Papua province, Working Area of Papua and West Papua Provinces

B. Community institutions or groups:
1. Yayasan Ekologi Papua
2. KONOPA (Noken Community of Papua)
3. Noken Foundation of Papua
4. Unnurup Foundation
5. Sanggar Noken of Papua.

D. Participation des communautés a l'etablissement du présent rapport

All of the stakeholder of Noken have participated in the preparation of this periodic report. The Noken community is invited in the preparation of the periodic report by:
1. Engaging elements of Noken society and communities in the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) on 17-19 May 2016, in Jakarta. The FGD participants consist of relevant stakeholders/agencies, academicians, members of sanggar, NGOs concerned with Nokens of the provinces of Papua and West Papua. The results is materials for the preparation of this periodic report.
2. Engaging elements of Noken society and communities in the FGD (Focus Group Discussion) on 26 May 2016 at the Office of Safeguarding of Cultural Values in Jayapura. The participants of the FGD consist of relevant agencies, academicians, members of sanggar, NGOs concerned with Noken. The result has been used to complete the data for the preparation of this periodic report.
3. Conducting research and interviewing Noken stakeholders, managers of sanggar Noken, craftpersons, Noken enthusiasts and trainers, Cenderawasih University’s Loka Budaya museum curators, academics/anthropologist interested in Noken, etc. This research was conducted on 24-30 May 2016 in Jayapura city and Jayapura district.
4. During the field research on 24-30 May 2016, interviews were conducted with managers and members of sanggar Noken Papua. The sanggar are originated from different regions of Papua and West Papua provinces. Information on Noken developments in different regions of Papua and West Papua provinces is gained from the sanggar managers and members.

E. Signature au nom de l'État partie


Hilmar Farid






Chargement du rapport périodique signé
