12th International Policy Dialoge Forum
When: | Sunday, December 8, 2019 - 00:00 - Wednesday, December 11, 2019 - 23:00 |
Organizers: |
The Futures of Teaching
As the International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030 (Teacher Task Force) noted during its 11th Policy Dialogue, “The future of education will be marked by rapid changes […] creating opportunities and challenges for learners and teachers”. The Teacher Task Force also recommended that teachers be adequately prepared to teach relevant skills, knowledge and values allowing learners to “critically and actively manage change” and shape a just and equitable future (« Preparing Teachers for the Future We Want », 11th Policy Dialogue Forum Declaration).
Since the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Framework for Action of the Education 2030 Agenda, members of the International Task Force on Teachers take advantage of its annual Policy Dialogue Forum to unpack the meaning and implications of the teacher target and its importance to the other SDG 4 targets, as well as the overall SDGs.
The 12th Policy Dialogue Forum will focus on the issues pertaining to the implications of new learning goals for teacher preparation and training, addressing inequalities and diversity, and innovations and their implications for teacher education and training and practices.
What does all of this mean for teaching?
Without doubt, discussions around the shifting learning goals and skills sets of the future are challenging accepted notions about what is expected of teachers, how they should teach and even what form the classroom should take. To develop the skills now needed by learners, teachers in next-generation learning environments are expected to transition away from traditional ‘listen and respond’ practices towards more interactive, agile, student-centered approaches. This requires a more diverse skill set than before, with teachers being ready to innovate in how they interact with and work with learners in developing new knowledge, being early adopters of technologies that support learning and working more effectively within physical and virtual learning communities
This also reaffirms the unresolved challenge posed in attracting and retaining qualified candidates to teaching profession. Countries and governments will need look at how policies can make the teaching profession more attractive, but also redefine teaching standards and working conditions
The 12th Policy Dialogue Forum aspires to provide insights, stimulate and provoke further discussions rather than affirming or defending any particular trend. Through a combination of round tables, plenary and breakout sessions, a broad spectrum of teacher stakeholders will come together in Dubai to debate:
- How are changes in thinking around the purposes of learning and skills expectations impacting on teachers and teaching practice? What are the implications for instructional models, the learning-teaching process, learning contents and how learning is assessed?
- How do we ensure that teaching in the future contributes to reversing current disparities and rather leaving learners even further behind?
- What innovations might support teacher’s new roles, or tap new sources of expertise and talent? What are the implications for the organization of the teaching corps?
- Beyond the pedagogic dimensions of teaching, what do the projected changes imply for governance of public education, the design of teacher policy and the teaching profession more generally?
These discussions will be articulated under the following three thematic areas:
- Emerging trends in learning and their implications for teachers and teacher education and preparation
- Future role/s of teachers in addressing education inequalities
- Innovations: Implications for teacher education and practice
The Policy Dialogue Fora aim at raising awareness among members and partners of the TTF on crucial issues for the implementation of the Teacher Target in the SDG and Education 2030 agenda. By revisiting teacher issues and sharing experiences related to teacher gaps, the Policy Dialogue Fora foster more effective collaboration, communication and resource mobilization towards the achievement of the Teacher Target and SDG 4 among TTF members.