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Multi-stage procedure for the elaboration, examination, adoption and follow-up of declarations, charters and similar standard-setting instruments adopted by the General Conference

Multi-stage procedure for the elaboration, examination, adoption and follow-up of declarations, charters and similar standard-setting instruments adopted by the General Conference and not covered by the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution.

Adopted by the General Conference at its 33rd session (1)

UNESDOC - (PDF) English - Français - Español - Russian - Arabic - Chinese

Stage 1: Resolution by the General Conference as to the desirability of a declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument

It shall be a matter for the General Conference to decide whether a question should be the subject of a declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument on the basis of a report by the Director-General or a recommendation by the Executive Board or a recommendation by a subsidiary organ of the General Conference, whose members are elected by the General Conference.

Stage 2: Drawing up of the draft declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument

The General Conference shall request the Director-General to submit to it on a date that it shall determine a draft declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument drawn up in consultation with the Member States. The General Conference may also specify the steps to be followed in the preparation of the instrument, including the convening by the Director-General of intergovernmental meetings and committees of experts in accordance with the Regulations for the general classification of the various categories of meetings convened by UNESCO.

Stage 3: Examination and adoption of the draft declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument by the General Conference

The General Conference shall examine and discuss the draft declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument submitted to it, together with the recommendations of the Executive Board thereon.

The declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument shall be adopted by a resolution of the General Conference. Every effort shall be made to adopt the declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument by consensus.

Stage 4: Follow-up of declarations, charters or similar standard-setting instruments adopted by the General Conference

The Director-General shall ensure that the text of the declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument adopted by the General Conference is disseminated as widely as possible.

If the actual text of the instrument does not provide for a follow-up mechanism, the General Conference may invite the Director-General to submit to it on the dates that it shall determine a report on the measures taken by the Member States to give effect to the principles set forth in the declaration, charter or similar standard-setting instrument.


(1) See 33 C/Resolutions, pp.141-2

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Office of International Standards and Legal Affairs
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  • 2nd report of the Legal Committee on a legal framework for the elaboration, examination, adoption and follow-up of declarations, charters and other similar standard-setting instruments adopted by the General Conference (33 C/LEG/2 - 33 C/91)
  • Legal framework for the elaboration, examination, adoption and follow-up of declarations, charters and other similar standard-setting instruments (33 C/20)
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