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Thematic Groups

Thematic Groups were created to build on the TTF members’ expertise, and support efforts to improve the status of teachers and, quality of teaching and learning. By sharing knowledge and advancing technical work on particular themes, collaboration around various national, regional and international activities is enhanced.

The TTF currently has four Thematic Groups:

  • Inclusion and Equity in Teacher Policies and Practices: Draws attention to topics related to the development, implementation, and assessment of policies and practices promoting inclusion and equity for teachers across educational contexts using an intersectional lens that takes into account gender, socio-economic status, location, ability and other relevant variables.
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Distance Education for Teacher Development: Focuses efforts to support teachers acquire ICT skills; the use of ICT in the classroom to enhance educational quality and delivery; and in the use of distance education formats to strengthen pre-service, in-service and continuing professional development.
  • Teacher Management in Crisis and Emergency Situations: Discusses issues related to resourcing, training, and supporting teacher workforces in crisis and emergency situations including war, migration, natural and other disaster type contexts.
  • Early Childhood Care and Education Teachers and Facilitators: Advocates on issues related to early child educators and pre-primary teachers including the establishment of legal, institutional and policy frameworks to ensure that quality early childhood education (ECE) is free and accessible to all children by qualified, well-trained and supported teachers.

For more information, see their dedicated spaces in the Knowledge hub.