Category Archives: Quality of education

Reaching All Children with Education: Lebanon’s national education response strategy to the Syria crisis

By Lebanon’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education In Lebanon, the five years since the beginning of the Syria Crisis have had a significant impact on its people and its institutions. With an estimated 1.5 million Syrian refugees now hosted … Continue reading

Posted in Arab States, Basic education, emergencies, Equality, Equity, fragile states, Legislation, Marginalization, Primary school, Quality of education, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, Report, sdg, sdgs, Secondary school, syria, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

No more excuses. Provide education to all forcibly displaced people

By the GEM Report and the UNHCR Education Section Days before the World Humanitarian Summit, we have jointly released a new policy paper, ‘No more excuses’, with new data showing that only 50% of refugee children are in primary school … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Arab States, Child soldiers, Conflict, data, Developing countries, Disaster preparedness, Equality, fragile states, Human rights, immigration, Legislation, Out-of-school children, Primary school, Quality of education, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, sdgs, syria, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , | 6 Comments

How we could triple the availability of textbooks

Our first new policy paper as the GEM Report is out today and shows how altering the textbook market to a more centralised finance model could take up to $3 off the price of each book. Combining this approach with … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Aid, Basic education, curriculum, Developing countries, Donors, Equity, Innovative financing, Learning, Literacy, Marginalization, Primary school, Quality of education, sdgs, Uncategorized, united nations | Tagged , | 9 Comments

A Data Revolution for Education 2030

By Jordan Naidoo, Director of Education at UNESCO, and Sylvia Montoya, Director of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS). The fourth Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) is a global dream about quality education for all children, youth and adults. But this ambitious … Continue reading

Posted in Equality, Equity, Learning, Literacy, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Out-of-school children, parity, Post-2015 development framework, Poverty, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs | 7 Comments

Don’t be gender blind. Take a moment to understand gender gaps in education.

It may surprise many that, in global terms, girls make up just 52% of out of primary school age children. At the secondary level there are actually fewer girls out of school than boys. When averaging out the gender parity … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Africa, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Equality, Equity, Gender, Latin America, Learning, Out-of-school children, parity, Post-2015 development framework, Primary school, Quality of education, Secondary school | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Are you a teacher? Join us and become an advocate for education

Posted in Learning, Literacy, pedagogy, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Teachers, teaching | Tagged | 4 Comments

Achieving the 2030 Education Goal by focusing on early learning

by Michelle Neuman, Program Director, Results for Development Institute. This blog is part of a series of last minute reflections before the new education agenda is set in stone.  A quarter of a century after global education leaders met in Jomtien, Thailand, and … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Aid, Basic education, Developing countries, Early childhood care and education, Equality, Equity, Literacy, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Post-2015 development framework, Pre-primary education, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs, Sustainable development, Teachers, Uncategorized | Tagged | 3 Comments

What kind and level of literacy will create sustainable societies?

Today is International Literacy Day, focusing on the theme of ‘Literacy and sustainable societies’. The day will pay particular attention to exploring and consolidating the synergies between literacy and each one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be adopted at … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Africa, Developed countries, Developing countries, Economic growth, Employment, Equality, Equity, Learning, Literacy, Marginalization, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Post-secondary education, Quality of education, sdg, sdgs, Secondary school, Skills, Sustainable development, Teachers, Training | Tagged , | 7 Comments

UNESCO committed to leading coordination of new education agenda

by Jordan Naidoo, Director- Education For All and International Education Coordination, UNESCO As Education 2030 –the new international education policy—takes root, countries will begin the difficult task of reviewing their education policies and systems in order to improve education and … Continue reading

Posted in Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Developed countries, Developing countries, Early childhood care and education, Employment, Equality, Equity, Finance, Human rights, Latin America, Literacy, Marginalization, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Post-secondary education, Pre-primary education, Primary school, Quality of education, Report, sdg, sdgs, Secondary school, Skills, Sustainable development, united nations | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

The Impossible, by Malala Yousafzai

The EFA GMR recently updated it’s costing analysis for the price of education targets from 2015-2030. The updated costing paper shows that there is an annual finance gap of $39 billion to provide pre-primary through to upper secondary education. This … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Africa, Aid, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Child soldiers, Conflict, Developing countries, Donors, Early childhood care and education, Economic growth, Finance, Gender, Latin America, Learning, Legislation, Literacy, Marginalization, Nutrition, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Poverty, Pre-primary education, Primary school, Quality of education, Rural areas, sdgs, Secondary school, Teachers | Tagged , , | 5 Comments