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Almost 90% of the world’s countries have shut their schools in efforts to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Alongside school closures, governments are also imposing social distancing measures and restricting the movement of people, goods and services, leading to stalled economies. While this disruption to education and the expected reduction in global growth have far-reaching effects for all, their impact will be particularly detrimental to the most disadvantaged students and their families, especially in poorer countries. …
In these times of school closure owing to the COVID-19 crisis, learners more than ever need their teachers’ support and continuous engagement with them. Please bear in mind that even with the best lessons lectured on TV or via the Internet we still need teachers to maintain learners’ motivation and progression through interacting with them regularly,.
As school closures due to COVID-19 impact the majority of learners, education systems deployed remote learning solutions. Motivation is a central to learning. This poster presents tips for teachers on what they can do to motivate learners in such times.
As people around the world are taking precautions to protect themselves, their families and their communities from coronavirus disease (COVID-19) it’s also important that children can continue to learn, and that they can do so in an environment that is welcoming, respectful, inclusive, and supportive to all. Schools and teachers play a vital role in this. Sharing accurate information and science-based facts about COVID-19 will help diminish students’ fears and anxieties around the disease and support their ability to cope with any secondary impacts in their lives. …
Violence against children from school staff is widespread in various settings, but few interventions address this. The authors tested whether the Good School Toolkit - a complex behavioural intervention designed by Ugandan not-for-profit organisation Raising Voices - could reduce physical violence from school staff to Ugandan primary school children. Methods: The authors randomly selected 42 primary schools (clusters) from 151 schools in Luwero District, Uganda, with more than 40 primary 5 students and no existing governance interventions. All schools agreed to be enrolled. …
A pesar de los avances en las últimas décadas, en el mundo aún hay muchos niños, niñas y jóvenes que en su tránsito de la niñez a la adultez reciben información incorrecta o incompleta en educación en sexualidad. Esta circunstancia afecta sus posibilidades de desarrollo físico, social y emocional. Con el fin de atender esta situación, la UNESCO, en colaboración de otros organismos, publicó en el año 2018 el documento Orientaciones técnicas internacionales sobre educación en sexualidad: Un enfoque basado en la evidencia. …
The guide is designed for trainee teachers and for teacher post-graduate education. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. Based on internationally recognized approaches (including UNESCO and UN Women Global Guidance on Addressing School Related Gender-Based Violence) and Russian legal framework it also provides recommendations how to prevent and respond to violence and bullying, including gender-based violence and harassment in educational settings. …
The School Health Programme under AYUSHMAN BHARAT is a joint collaborative programme between the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource & Development. This initiative is targeting both Education and Health implementers and is envisaged to facilitate an integrated approach to health programming and more effective learning at the school level. …
Reproductive health problems such as HIV, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion among adolescents are closely linked to insufficient knowledge about sexuality and reproduction and lack of access to contraceptives. Supported by international agencies, Zambia has introduced an ambitious nation-wide program for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) to be implemented into ordinary school activities by teachers. The curriculum is firmly based in a discourse of sexual and reproductive rights, not commonly found in the public debate on sexuality in Zambia. …
Este estudio se desarrolló con el propósito de producir información para apoyar a quienes diseñan políticas públicas, a las instituciones de formación docente (incluyendo formación inicial y continua) y a escuelas, profesoras y profesores. En particular, se espera que este último grupo vea en este documento un reflejo de su propia experiencia escolar y que encuentre una orientación para mejorar sus prácticas pedagógicas sobre sexualidad.
In spite of the importance of sexuality education and HIV and AIDS education in preventing HIV infections, Zimbabwean secondary school Guidance and Counseling teachers are not engaging optimally with the current Guidance and Counseling, HIV and AIDS & Life Skills education curriculum, and hence, they are not serving the needs of the learners in the context of the HIV and AIDS pandemic. …
Le présent référentiel, développé à travers un processus consultatif impliquant responsables centraux, autorités éducatives au niveau déconcentré et personnel enseignant, vise à donner des orientations pratiques pour toute personne travaillant dans le secteur de l’éducation, que ce soit dans l’école ou dans les daara, pour mieux détecter les situations de détresse et de violations des droits d’un(e) élève, et mieux gérer les cas identifiés, dans l’intérêt bien compris de l’enfant, à l’interne comme en liaison avec les autres institutions.
In this white paper we give an overview of the current state of sexuality education with a focus on Europe and developing countries. We start in chapter 1 with a short introduction on the definition of sexuality and sexuality education and will address several views on and approaches to sexuality education worldwide and the current international policy. We mainly focus on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools, although we realise that the scope of sexuality education is broader (for example community based interventions, online information, education by youth workers, etc.). …
“It’s not normal” documents how female students are exposed to sexual exploitation, harassment, and abuse in middle and upper secondary schools. Based on interviews and focus group discussions with more than 160 girls and young women, the report documents cases of teachers who abuse their position of authority by sexually harassing girls and engage in sexual relations with them, promising students money, good grades, food, or items such as mobile phones and new clothes. …
Well-trained, supporting and motivated teachers play a key role in the delivery of high-quality sexuality education. In this regard, UNFPA, the UN reproductive health and rights agency, in collaboration with the National Centre for Educational Development (NCED) and SISo Nepal, developed this teachers’ training package on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). The teachers training package includes a five-day training module on six key concepts of International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education along with the resource material for teachers on CSE. …