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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Switched on: sexuality education in the digital space

    This technical brief summarises the findings of two reviews commissioned by UNESCO in 2019. The first is a desk review of the evidence for the use of digital resources to deliver sexuality education for young people, conducted by the Institute of Development Studies (UK). The review aimed to explore the extent to which digital content can influence knowledge, attitudes and practices of young people 10-24 years old and the potential for digital spaces to be used to add value to the traditional delivery of CSE. …

  2. IFMSA policy document: comprehensive sexuality education

    The IFMSA acknowledges the relevance of Comprehensive Sexuality Education for ensuring the respect to sexual and reproductive rights in the different stages of the life cycle. IFMSA believes the inclusion of CSE in the national curricula will help youth to have a healthier sexual and reproductive lives, free from stigma and discrimination. Moreover, the IFMSA condemns gender based violence (GBV), as it poses a serious threat to all genders; so we promote CSE as a powerful tool to attack the roots of GBV since the beginnings of life.

  3. Youth and HIV - mainstreaming a three-lens approach to youth participation

    This document provides an overview of the latest available UNAIDS data on youth and HIV, including new indicators reported for the first time on consent requirements to access services, access to CSE, and youth participation in the HIV response. …

  4. Let us know about HIV and AIDS achieving triple zeros: handbook on prevention of HIV and AIDS for lecturers in the Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management

    This book is a study material for lecturers in the tourist sector. It provides core information regarding physical, mental and social changes of adolescents, prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, vulnerable factors for tourist sector and key population groups and vulnerable groups that should be clearly understood by them to keep in line with the prevention strategies used.

  5. No secrets, know the facts, disarm myths, know about sexuality; 100 facts

    This publication’s objective is to equip the primary healthcare staff with updated knowledge on sexuality and related problems.

  6. Le Sida, cartes sur tables : guide pédagogique

    Ce guide pédagogique est prévu pour accompagner l’exposition « Sida, cartes sur table », qui vise à améliorer le niveau de connaissance et les compétences des jeunes sur le VIH, ses modes de transmission, de protection afin de réduire le nombre de nouvelles infections au VIH et aux autres IST. L’exposition a également pour objectif de diminuer les comportements discriminants à l’égard des personnes séropositives.

  7. Break the barriers: girls' experiences of menstruation in the UK

    The UK is one of the richest countries in the world. But our latest report, Break the Barriers: Girls’ Experiences of Menstruation in the UK, reveals a culture of stigma and silence have turned periods into a hidden public health issue – putting girls' physical, sexual and mental health at risk. Across the UK and around the world, girls’ stories show that periods have been stigmatised for too long. …

  8. Addressing challenges facing adolescents in knowing and managing their HIV status in sub-Saharan Africa

    This policy paper was conceived at a joint LSHTM-Sentebale roundtable meeting in July 2017; three young people from Lesotho and Botswana presented their personal experiences and challenges of living with HIV to an audience including Prince Harry, leading HIV researchers, and senior staff from organisations such as UNAIDS, PEPFAR and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. This paper profiles some promising approaches to address challenges and barriers identified by adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV). …

  9. HIV knowledge, attitudes and behaviours: The situation at technical, vocational education and training (TVET) colleges in South Africa

    The HSRC 2012 population-based survey of national HIV prevalence, incidence and behaviour reported that there were approximately 469 000 new HIV infections in 2012 (Shisana et al. 2014). More than one-third of these infections (192 000) were among young people in the 15–24 years age group, with females accounting for 90% of new infections. Among those 25 years and older, 300 000 new infections were estimated, with the highest number of infections among females (175 000) compared to males (125 000). …

  10. Relationship between teachers’ attitude towards teaching HIV/AIDS education and students’ knowledge and attitude towards sexual behaviour in secondary schools in Coast Region, Kenya

    The purpose of the study was to determine the relationship between teachers’ attitude towards teaching HIV/AIDS education and students’ knowledge and attitude towards sexual behaviour in secondary schools in the Coast Region of Kenya. The study used descriptive survey research design. The samples comprised 421 respondents of which 33 were teachers and 388 students in 13 secondary schools. Questionnaires and interview schedule were used to collect the data. The validity of the instruments was checked by the supervisors and other experts in the field of research. …

  11. Picture that: supporting sexuality educators in narrowing the knowledge/practice gap

    Teaching about sex and relationships is one of the greatest challenges in not only the combating of HIV and AIDS, but also in preparing the youth for responsible sexual behaviour. Although it seems as if teachers to some extent do feel comfortable with the teaching of sexuality education at school, the question however remains as to whether youth get the information they require. In this article, are presented drawings produced by teacher participants in order to investigate the beliefs that teachers hold regarding young people’s needs from sexuality education. …

  12. Interventions for preventing unintended pregnancies among adolescents (Review)

    Background: Unintended pregnancy among adolescents represents an important public health challenge in high-income countries, as well as middle and low-income countries. Numerous prevention strategies such as health education, skills-building and improving accessibility to contraceptives have been employed by countries across the world, in an effort to address this problem. However, there is uncertainty regarding the effects of these interventions, hence the need to review the evidence-base. …

  13. Impact of teachers training on HIV/AIDS education program among secondary school students in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional survey

    In 2007, the Government of Bangladesh incorporated a chapter on HIV/AIDS into the national curriculum for an HIV-prevention program for school students. For the efficient dissemination of knowledge, an intervention was designed to train the teachers and equip them to educate on the topic of HIV/AIDS. The present study intended to understand the impact of this intervention by assessing the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours related to HIV/AIDS, among the targeted students.

  14. Fostering adolescent girl leaders

    At the heart of the Samata intervention is the development of a cadre of adolescent girl leaders who will sustain changes in favour of girls’ education and gender equality in their villages. The programme mentors girls to become confident and vocal young feminists, active in their communities and schools. Samata aims to equip them with the knowledge and skills to effectively negotiate a space that is hostile to women. Overall, the Samata programme has reached 3,600 girls across 69 villages in 2 districts of Bagalkot and Bijapur in northern Karnataka.

  15. Adolescent friendly health corners (AFHCS) in selected government health facilities in Bangladesh: an early qualitative assessment. Research report

    With high rates of early marriage, especially among girls, a significant proportion of adolescents in Bangladesh need sexual and reproductive health services (SRH), including contraceptive information and services. Married women, including married adolescents, currently have access to these services through public sector. Unmarried adolescents do not have access to SRH information and services through public sector facilities. …


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