Category Archives: Urbanization

Schools for 2000 children in Kenya’s Kibera slum bulldozed to the ground

Families in Kibera slum, Nairobi, were given two weeks before their houses, shops and schools were demolished by bulldozers at the end of July to make way for a $20 million new dual-carriageway. The demolition plan included the following schools, … Continue reading

Posted in migration, Uncategorized, Urbanization | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Education is key to social inclusion in cities

By: Anni Beukes, Mara Forbes and Kilion Nyambuga More often than not, slum children of all ages have limited or no access to formal public schools within their settlements. Data collected by SDI, a network of community-based organisations of the … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized, Urbanization | Tagged , , , | 3 Comments

Why hasn’t education got a seat at the table for urban policy discussions?

For too long, education has been missing from urban policy and planning discussions. As the New Urban Agenda is finalized, those going to the Habitat III Conference should take heed of the benefits that including education, training and lifelong learning … Continue reading

Posted in Economic growth, Environment, Poverty, sdgs, Sustainable development, Uncategorized, Urbanization | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

The struggle to learn skills in the city

UNICEF’s flagship annual report, launched today, focuses on the lives of marginalized children in urban areas. The State of the World’s Children 2012 finds that children in urban environments are often denied their right to education, leaving many without the … Continue reading

Posted in Basic education, Economic growth, Employment, Equality, Gender, Governance, Literacy, Marginalization, Out-of-school children, Poverty, Skills, Training, Urbanization, Youth | 5 Comments