Join the consultation on the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education

Hugo Infante with creditWe are extending the online consultation and expressions of interest for the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education. The concept note for the Report is now available in EnglishFrançais Español  and Русский. Chinese and Arabic will follow soon.

Your views at this stage of our report process are vital to be sure we have as broad an understanding of your requirements when researching this issue, that we are aware of existing research already available, and of experts on the issue who might be able to contribute to the Report as it develops.

Online consultation: 

We would like to invite readers to:

  • Provide substantive feedback to the proposed lines of research in the concept note
  • Recommend interesting examples from around the world that illustrate the different roles non-state actors play in in different education systems
  • Recommend potential areas of new research drawing on already established or previously unexplored sources of quantitative and qualitative data.

Feel free to also provide comments on the shape and focus of the monitoring section of the report as well.

To share your comments with the GEM Report team, either post them as a comment direct on the consultation webpage, or email with ‘2021 Report Consultation’ as a subject heading.

Call for expressions of interest :

We are inviting contributions towards the development of the 2021 Report, including through :

  • Suggestions of papers in 10 areas selected by the GEM Report team (see below); and
  • Suggestions for ideas in other areas for new, previously unpublished research drawing on already established or previously unexplored sources of quantitative and qualitative data which could be essential for the 2021 GEM Report


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1 Response to Join the consultation on the 2021 GEM Report on non-state actors in education

  1. H. Abadzi says:

    GEM should have a category of non-state actors involved in education policy, who may or may not teach or train directly. Examples are Save the Children, Oxfam, INEE, NORRAG, Al Qasimi Foundation, Queen Rania foundation, Gates, Pratham, actors promoting islamic education, Fe y Alegria in LAC, and many others. What policies do they promote and how effective are they in educating the poorer populations? How research-based are they?


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