UNESCO IITE is looking for an individual home-based consultant in the Republic of Rwanda to conduct a review of the current status of ICT in education with due regard to the adoption of the principles of gender equality and inclusion in education and the availability of the national education system for mainstreaming AI and digital innovations
The main focus of the project, launched by the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) jointly with the Chengdu Culture and Tourism Development Group LLC, entitled: “Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Digital Innovations to strengthen Inclusion and Equity of Education in Africa”, is to facilitate bridging the digital divide in the target countries with priority consideration of their educational and technological needs. The project will seek to leverage the potential of AI and digital innovations to strengthen inclusion and equity in teaching, learning and monitoring of education and lifelong learning. In Rwanda, the initiative will be actualized in close collaboration with UNESCO Nairobi Office alongside the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Rwanda.
For the project implementation in Rwanda, UNESCO IITE is currently seeking a national expert (Consultant) in inclusive education to analyze and evaluate technical and educational readiness of educational institutions within the country in terms of ICT-based teaching and learning for young people, especially those from vulnerable groups. With due regard of equity and inclusion in teaching and learning, whilst bearing in mind the predicaments caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Consultant shall conduct comprehensive analytical activities to identify the negative impacts, challenges and opportunities that learners and educational institutions (including secondary and TVET schools, colleges and polytechnic universities teacher training institutes,, educational centres, etc.) have faced, the role of ICT in managing and mitigating these negative impacts, as well as in maximizing its positive impacts on education and communication. In addition, the Consultant (with relevant support from the organizers of the review) shall arrange interviews of the project key stakeholders, including but not limited to the: Ministry of Education, Ministry of ICT and Innovation, RISA, Rwanda Education Board, Rwanda Polytechnic, Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO and the National Council of Persons with Disabilities. The interview questions should be agreed with UNESCO IITE reasonably in advance.
In particular, the Contractor shall:
- Analyze the national educational legislation in effect, regulating on the one part inclusion and access to education for students from vulnerable groups, and on the other part – the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
- Conduct an online survey. Based on the questionnaire developed by UNESCO IITE in partnership with the National Project Team, the Consultant shall organize an online survey to be conducted amongst teachers, master teachers and principals of educational institutions (including teacher training institutes or universities, educational centres and schools). The online survey objective is to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, risks, benefits and challenges, lessons learned, and key success factors in educational institutions innovating through ICT for gender equity and inclusive education. The Consultant shall arrange for an online survey to be conducted on the platform recommended by UNESCO IITE. S/he shall invite teachers to take part in the online survey. The final deliverable shall include responds from at least 100 participants of the online survey with at least 20 case studies, backed by photo and/or video materials illustrating advanced experience and promising practices (all materials must be officially authorized for educational use by UNESCO IITE). To be submitted to UNESCO IITE no later than 20 October 2020.
- Participate in the project group meeting, which will be arranged by UNESCO IITE during the period from October to December 2020. The Consultant shall deliver a presentation to the meeting participants on the online survey findings and identified readiness of the country to support transformation of the national inclusive education system through the integration of AI and digital innovations (duration – at least 20 minutes), and actively engage in the follow-up discussions.
- Develop an analytical report on identified technical (infrastructure and connectivity) and educational (teaching, learning, methodological, etc.) capacities of the country to use the potential of digital innovations for effective strengthening of inclusion and equity in teaching and learning. The report shall comprise no less than 35 pages (font – Calibri; font size – 12; line space – 1.5) and include a brief description of national educational legislation in effect, regulating inclusion and access to education for vulnerable population and the use of ICT in teaching and learning; survey findings (no less than 100 responses), 20 case studies with photo/video supplements and their analysis illustrated with diagrams, conclusions and recommendations for improving of the actual status of ICT in inclusive education for implementing innovative ICT-based approaches. Based on feedback provided from UNESCO IITE, the Consultant shall make changes (if required) in accordance with specified comments and recommendations. The language of the Report – English. To be submitted to UNESCO IITE no later than 15 November 2020.
- Prepare a final report on the conducted activities. The Consultant shall prepare and submit to UNESCO IITE a draft final report on the performed stipulated activities for respective consideration (1 page, English language). The final report to be submitted to UNESCO IITE no later than 20 November 2020.
- Submit to UNESCO IITE the final set of documents, including:
- at least 100 replies to the questionnaires with at least 20 case studies with photo and/or video evidence (officially authorized for educational use by UNESCO IITE);
- results of the interviews with key stakeholders, including but not limited to the following: Ministry of Education, Ministry of ICT and Innovation, RISA, Rwanda Education Board, Rwanda Polytechnic, Rwanda National Commission for UNESCO and the National Council of Persons with Disabilities. The results should be provided in text form with clear replies to the interview questions.
- a presentation on the country’s identified trends on innovating through ICT for gender equity and inclusive education;
- an analytical report on the conducted research findings with relevant conclusions and recommendations;
- a one-page final report on the conducted activities.
Submission criteria for deliverables:
The final report must be compiled in full compliance with the UNESCO Style Manual for the presentation of English-language texts: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001418/141812e.pdf, and in a tone that is reader-friendly for its intended audience, i.e. educators and policy-makers.
The format of images: JPEG, PNG, SVG. Image resolution should be not less than 4000×3000 pixels.
The format of videos: MPEG-4/H.264. Video recording should be carried out with a maximum level of quality, in full HD 1080p (minimum) or UHD 4K (desired).
Candidate specification:
The potential candidate should hold at least a Master’s degree in Education or Social Sciences and have a proven experience in education of persons with special needs and/or inclusive education. S/he should be fluent in English and have the necessary and sufficient ICT competencies.
Interested candidates must submit their applications in English to: e.varkvasova@unesco.org by 30 September 2020.
An official application should include:
- Latest Curriculum Vitae
- Description of contemplated activities
- Proposed budget (in USD)