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This study contains new qualitative, global research and provides an analysis on the situation of young persons with disabilities concerning discrimination and gender-based violence, including the impact on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also provides an assessment of legal, policy and programming developments and specific good practices in service delivery as well as best-standard prevention and protection measures. …
The report is based on six months of consultations with adolescent girls and young women around the world. It calls for sustained investment in women-led partnerships and civil society in order to advance gender equality and meet the ambitious targets set in the Sustainable Development Goals.
This tool is a living document that provides guidance on good partnership practices that promote strong relationships between civil society organizations and government representatives on engaging men and boys in gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). Its goal is to strengthen these partnerships in order to enable the scale up and/or institutionalization of evidence-based approaches to engaging men and boys. …
This document is the Commonwealth Charter adopted by National Human Rights Institutions and members of the Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (CFNHRI) attending a working session on the imperative to prevent and eliminate child, early and forced marriage, on 5-6 May 2015 in Kigali, Rwanda.
On Course will assist governments, civil society and other HIV actors to make clear, concerted and sustainable efforts to address multi-dimensional gender and human rights issues in their national HIV efforts and support increased capacity to achieve gender equality results. On Course is designed to be used in a multiplicity of HIV strategy and planning contexts, whether standalone, integrated into the health sector plans, or developed as elements of other national plans and process (development plans, poverty reduction plans, gender action plans, etc.).
This report reviews the legal and social environment for LGBT people and organizations in Nepal alongside the discussions and findings from the Nepal National LGBTI Community Dialogue held in Kathmandu in April 2014. It provides an overview of LGBT rights as related broadly to human rights conventions and laws, the legal environment and socio-cultural environment, and religion; and more specifically to education, employment, family affairs, health, media, political affairs and the capacity of LGBT organizations. …
The Pacific Sexual Health and Well-Being Shared Agenda 2015–2019 (the Shared Agenda) is a visionary document that provides guidance and strategic direction to strengthen the sexual health response in the Pacific region by shifting the focus from a single disease to a rights-based comprehensive approach to sexual health. …
A review was conducted to assess key achievements of the Accelerate Initiative, lessons learned and possible ways forward. The output of this review is a technical paper titled ‘Accelerating the Education Sector Response to HIV and AIDS: Five Years On’, which describes how UNESCO, UNICEF, the World Bank and other partners have been working together since 2002 to help countries in sub-Saharan Africa develop strong leadership in the education sector response to HIV and AIDS.
Today HIV/AIDS is one of the biggest challenges facing the world. The risk of getting the virus is particularly high for young injecting drug users, who are isolated, marginalized and often lack access to even basic prevention services. This publication focuses on reaching out to young drug users with information, services and structures that are appropriate to their needs and how civil society at large can contribute.
This paper lays out some of the reasons why building trust between teachers’ unions and education NGOs has not been easy. It then goes on to identify a series of issues around which joint work can be (and is being) developed.
Remaides est une revue trimestrielle destinée aux personnes vivant avec le VIH et leurs proches. Elle apporte une information claire et précise sur les traitements au VIH et les hépatites comme sur toutes les difficultés auxquelles chacun peut se retrouver confronté dans sa vie quotidienne. A travers les témoignages de ses lecteurs, Remaides est attaché à rendre visible la réalité intime de l'épidémie et à enrichir chacun de l'expérience des autres. Ce numéro propose un dossier spécialement consacré aux IST, aux traitements et aux différentes techniques de dépistage.
This document provides guidance on how The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), its Cosponsors and Secretariat (working at national, regional and global levels) should strengthen and operationalize meaningful and respectful partnership work with civil society. It should enable the UN to deliver the targets and elimination commitments agreed in the 2011 Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS. …
This study compares the approaches of Taiwan and the Philippines in mitigating their HIV epidemics using non-formal educational programs. The Philippines has an HIV prevalence of 6,000-11,000 cases out of a population of 91 million. Their approach was to target female sex workers and their managers, before expanding to men in the community, and relying heavily on NGOs to provide sex education. Taiwan was a prevalence of 40,000 cases out of a 23 million person population. …
This manual is the outcome of a youth-led project by Restless Development Zambia (supported by Irish AID) to identify, document and highlight civil society anti-HIV and AIDS initiatives that have had proven awareness raising and programmatic impact in the education sector in Zambia. The manual has been devised and based upon the Southern African Development Community (SADC) HIV framework of seven best practice criteria, which include: Ethical Soundness; Effectiveness; Innovation; Relevance; Cost-effectiveness; Replicability and Sustainability. …
This case study on the University of Zambia aimed at answering the following questions: In what ways has the University of Zambia been affected by HIV/AIDS? How has the university responded to these impacts? What steps is the university taking to control and limit the further spread of HIV/AIDS in its community? What HIV/AIDS-related teaching, research, publication, and advisory services has the university undertaken? How does the university propose to anticipate and address the larger impact of HIV/AIDS on the national labour market for university graduates? …