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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. National hand hygiene behaviour change strategy 2016-2020

    According to WHO 2012 estimates, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) was responsible for 842 000 annual deaths from diarrhoea and 15% of the Global Burden of Disease in Disability- Adjusted Life Years (DALYs). In South Africa, diarrhoea and respiratory infections are a major public health problem, and are amongst the top causes of death in children. Respiratory and diarrhoeal infections are ranked the 2nd and 3rd leading causes of death amongst the under-5 population, and the 3rd and 4th biggest killers in children between ages 5-14 years. …

  2. Guidelines on prevention of communicable diseases in schools / kindergartens / kindergartens-cum-child care centres / child care centres

    Effective prevention of communicable diseases in schools/centres not only safeguard the health of children and staff by minimising the harm caused by the diseases, but also ensure a delightful learning environment to support the healthy development of children. It is incumbent on every school/centre staff to learn how to prevent communicable diseases. We intend to provide some practical information on infection prevention measures in this set of guidelines for those working in schools/centres. …

  3. Girls' education and COVID-19: What past shocks can teach us about mitigating the impacts of pandemics

    Almost 90% of the world’s countries have shut their schools in efforts to slow the transmission of COVID-19. Alongside school closures, governments are also imposing social distancing measures and restricting the movement of people, goods and services, leading to stalled economies. While this disruption to education and the expected reduction in global growth have far-reaching effects for all, their impact will be particularly detrimental to the most disadvantaged students and their families, especially in poorer countries. …

  4. Modeling the effect of school closures in a pandemic scenario: exploring two different contact matrices

    School closures may delay the epidemic peak of the next influenza pandemic, but whether school closure can delay the peak until pandemic vaccine is ready to be deployed is uncertain. To study the effect of school closures on the timing of epidemic peaks, we built a deterministic susceptible-infected-recovered model of influenza transmission. We stratified the U.S. population into 4 age groups (0-4, 5-19, 20-64, and ≥ 65 years), and used contact matrices to model the average number of potentially disease transmitting, nonphysical contacts. …

  5. UNESCO's response to Ebola: strategy paper

    The latest outbreak of Ebola in West Africa has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the ‘most severe public health emergency seen in modern times’. However, its impact has gone beyond health, affecting every part of society, impeding the delivery of basic services, affecting economic sustainability of individuals and countries, and jeopardizing social cohesion. UNESCO has a key role to play in the global response. …

  6. Avis et recommandations sur la prévention et la prise en charge des IST en Guyane et dans les Antilles françaises

    La situation épidémique de certaines infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) en Guyane et aux Antilles françaises est préoccupante. …

  7. Investigating risky sexual behaviours among youth in the context of the HIV epidemic in Mbeya region, Tanzania

    Mitigating HIV and AIDS among youth has been a major policy agenda both internationally and nationally, within Tanzania. Two concerns associated with mitigation efforts are increasing sexual activity at young ages and a burgeoning population of out-of-school youth whom poverty, lack of supervision, and unemployment seem to push into alternative life patterns that present risks to their health. This situation poses a serious challenge for Tanzania, where half the population is categorised as young.

  8. The Health of educators in public schools in South Africa

    The provision of good quality education in public sector schools in South Africa is intrinsically linked to the health, wellbeing and productivity of educators employed in this sector. …

  9. Nationales Programm: HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017

    Das Nationale Programm HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017 beschreibt die Strategie zur Prävention sowie zur Diagnose und Behandlung von HIV und anderen STI. Es basiert auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage des Epidemiengesetzes. Der Schwerpunkt der Strategie liegt auf besonders gefährdeten Gruppen und auf bereits Infizierten und ihren Partnerinnen und Partnern. Die Strategie fokussiert darauf, die Bevölkerung auf die Gefährdung der sexuellen Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren und sie zu deren Erhalt sowie zum Schutz vor sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen zu befähigen.

  10. Gender assessment of the national response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

    The assessment, aimed at understanding gender dynamics critical for successful implementation of HIV and AIDS programmes in Nigeria, is to complement the National Strategic Plan (NSP) 2010-2015. Findings will be used to strengthen and consolidate existing HIV and AIDS control efforts at all levels and contribute to the implementation of the NSP and PCRP (President's Comprehensive Response Plan for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria).

  11. Enquête de surveillance comportementale auprès des jeunes : Rapport final

    L’Enquête de Surveillance Comportementale (ESC 2012) auprès des Jeunes de 15 à 24 ans a été exécutée par l’Institut National de la Statistique. Il s’agit de la quatrième enquête par sondage du genre qui a été réalisée au niveau de 38 sites sentinelles répartis à travers les 22 régions administratives du pays. Cette étude s’inscrit dans le cadre du dispositif mis en place à Madagascar pour la surveillance des comportements à risque vis-à-vis de l’infection à VIH. …

  12. Know Your HIV/AIDS epidemic from a gender perspective: Rwanda Report

    Decades of research from around the world has demonstrated that gender inequality negatively affects a range of health outcomes for adults, and gender inequality has been recognized as a key driver of the worldwide HIV epidemic. Managers at the national and subnational levels need information on the intersection of gender and HIV to address gender in the planning and implementing of HIV programs. Policy makers need information on interventions that are effective in accounting for gender inequities for decision making on national and global levels. …

  13. Implementation of adolescent-friendly voluntary medical male circumcision using a school based recruitment program in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

    Background: Epidemiological data from South Africa demonstrate that risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in males increases dramatically after adolescence. Targeting adolescent HIV-negative males may be an efficient and cost-effective means of maximising the established HIV prevention benefits of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) in high HIV prevalence–, low circumcision practice–settings. This study assessed the feasibility of recruiting male high school students for VMMC in such a setting in rural KwaZulu-Natal. …

  14. La situación de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH en Argentina: Un diagnóstico colectivo del estado de la respuesta en los servicios de salud

    Con el objetivo de mejorar el conocimiento sobre la situación epidemiológica de los niños, niñas y adolescentes con VIH en Argentina y ampliar el saber sobre el estado de la respuesta que se ofrece desde los servicios de salud, la Dirección de SIDA y ETS del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación (DS y ETS) y la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría (SAP) organizaron un encuentro con los referentes de los servicios donde se atiende a la mayor parte de esa población, incluyendo a los principales laboratorios que participan del proceso de diagnóstico pediátrico. …

  15. Recomendações para a atenção integral a adolescentes e jovens vivendo com HIV/Aids

    A epidemia de aids entre adolescentes e jovens, ao longo dos últimos 30 anos, mantém-se como um desafio para os profissionais de saúde, tanto no campo da prevençăo de novos casos, como no campo do tratamento, especialmente em funçăo da tendęncia ao aumento da prevalęncia da infecçăo pelo HIV na populaçăo jovem. …


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