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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Addressing challenges facing adolescents in knowing and managing their HIV status in sub-Saharan Africa

    This policy paper was conceived at a joint LSHTM-Sentebale roundtable meeting in July 2017; three young people from Lesotho and Botswana presented their personal experiences and challenges of living with HIV to an audience including Prince Harry, leading HIV researchers, and senior staff from organisations such as UNAIDS, PEPFAR and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. This paper profiles some promising approaches to address challenges and barriers identified by adolescents living with HIV (ALHIV). …

  2. Comprehensive social and behavior change communication strategy

    This guide lays out Bangladesh's strategy for social and behavior change communication to help achieve sustainable development goals. The main focus is on the health, population and nutrition sectors for 2016 to 2021.

  3. Insight into the management and diffusion strategies of HIV/AIDS information in institutions of higher education in South Africa

    The study focuses on the management and diffusion of HIV/AIDS information in institutions of higher learning in South Africa. The HIV/AIDS policy for educators, learners and students provided a strong foundation on government involvement on HIV/AIDS management in higher education. Both qualitative and quantitative research design and methodologies were employed largely through survey, observation and document analysis. …

  4. Challenges in providing HIV and sexuality education to learners with disabilities in South Africa: the voice of educators

    People with disabilities are at increased risk of exposure to HIV, yet they lack access to HIV prevention, treatment care and support including sexuality education. Lack of knowledge, skills and confidence of educators teaching sexuality education to learners with disabilities is related to this increased vulnerability. This study identifies possible challenges educators of learners with disabilities face when teaching sexuality and HIV education. …

  5. Communication strategy on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health for higher education institutions

    This strategy document has eight sections. Section one discusses about the overview of HIV/AIDS and SRH in Ethiopia and in the HEIs; together with the policy environment for education sector activities in the field of HIV/AIDS/STIs/SRH. Section two states the rationale for the communication strategy; while section three provides an overview of environmental scan carried out through SWOT analysis. Section four has details on the major HIV/AIDS and SRH problems, risk factors and underlying causes identified among students of HEIs in the country. …

  6. Stratégie nationale multisectorielle de santé sexuelle et de la reproduction des adolescents et jeunes au Bénin 2010-2020

    Le présent document de Stratégie Nationale Multisectorielle de Santé Sexuelle et de la Reproduction des Adolescents et Jeunes y compris le VIH/sida est une initiative du Ministère de la Santé avec l’appui des Partenaires Techniques et Financiers (PTF) notamment l’UNFPA, l’OMS, l’UNICEF, ONUSIDA et l’USAID. Il se veut un document d’orientation des interventions et de plaidoyer pour la mobilisation des partenaires sociaux ainsi que des ressources du Gouvernement et des PTF en vue de la mise en oeuvre des principales orientations nationales en SRAJ/VIH/sida. …

  7. Sexual health media resource pack

    The Sexual Health Strategy identifies the media as a means to communicate on sexual health in an effective and responsible way. Evidence shows that the media is a useful means to provide information to the general public. The type of media used will depend on the identified target audience. Unbalanced or inaccurate media messages can lead to pressures and confusion over the realities of sex and sexuality particularly for young people. Hence we cannot stop emphasizing the need and importance of the media to be trained on where to seek reliable sources of information and advice. …

  8. RESCATATE: rompé el silencio, hablemos de SIDA

    El trabajo presenta una experiencia de formación y sensibilización en VIH, sexualidad y género, dirigida a formadores de jóvenes y adolescentes, desarrollada en el marco de un acuerdo de trabajo entre UNESCO Sector Educación Oficina para el MERCOSUR, la Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, de la República Argentina y ejecutado por el Instituto de Formación Sexológica Integral SEXUR de Uruguay en la ciudad de Santa Fé los días 8-9, 15 -16 y 29-30 de junio de 2007. …

  9. ACT! 2015 Advocacy strategy toolkit

    A practical toolkit for young people who are passionate about advancing HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights in the post-2015 agenda through national advocacy.

  10. Guidelines for effective HIV and AIDS communication: Rules and tools for campus programmes

    Institutions have varying track records when it comes to conducting HIV and AIDS campaigns. Some hardly engage in HIV and AIDS communication, while others do so regularly and in a creative way. These guidelines are a practical way of laying a foundation of good practice and enabling both campaign-experienced and inexperienced campuses to run sound campaigns. …

  11. The "Stepping Stones" training package: user survey

    This document provides the results of a survey carried out by the The Strategies for Hope Trust between January and April 2010. The aim of the survey was to obtain feedback from users of the "Stepping Stones" training package on the following topics: who exactly has been using these materials; with which groups the materials have been used, and in what numbers; how the participants in these training sessions have perceived the materials; what the participants decided to do after the training sessions, and how useful the materials have been to them.

  12. Juventud, cultura sexual y respuesta social al VIH/SIDA en Centroamérica y el Caribe: Campañas de prevención y culturas institucionales en Guatemala, Honduras y República Dominicana

    Este trabajo presenta un estudio de las campanas de prevención de VIH/SIDA en los medios de comunicación. Es resultado de una indagación sobre el trabajo que realizan los protagonistas de la respuesta social al VIH/SIDA en sus diferentes niveles; esto es, a nivel de Gobierno, de las ONG, de la Cooperación Internacional y del trabajo comunitario que realizan los agentes multiplicadores (jóvenes voluntarios de ONG) en Honduras, Republica Dominicana y Guatemala. …

  13. The Youth to Youth Initiative – an assessment of results in Ethiopia and Kenya

    This report, commissioned by the Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ), brings out findings of an external assessment of the Youth-to-Youth (Y2Y) Initiative in Ethiopia and Kenya. The aim was to assess the results of the Y2Y-Initiative for young people with an emphasis on gender equality in the project regions both at individual level for participating young women and men as well as at the level of potentially changed perceptions of, and attitudes towards young people, in particular women, in their social environment.

  14. Effective engagement of the UNEVOC network in national responses to prevent HIV and AIDS in the scope of TVET

    The Asia-Pacific region is experiencing HIV/AIDS epidemics that are diverse and require multiple responses. At the same time, the TVET sub-sector is increasingly recognised as a critical training institution for the future development of the labour-force and economy in developing countries around the world, and enrollments in TVET institutions are on the rise. In this context, UNESCO UNEVOC has developed “TVET and HIV/AIDS” into one of its areas of work and is exploring better ways to implement HIV prevention initiatives into TVET institutions throughout its member states. …

  15. Reproductive health communication strategy implementation guide for family planning, adolescent and youth sexuality reproductive health rights, and maternal, neonatal, and child health 2010-2012

    Family planning (FP), maternal, and child health (MNH), and sexual and reproductive health for adolescents and youth are fundamental elements of the RH Communication Strategy for Kenya (2010-2012). These are key areas to address for Kenya to make progress on Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Vision 2030. Recently, the Government of Kenya (GOK) and donors agreed to bolster RH/FP programs and services to ensure the country meets the goals ahead, including the 2015 target set by the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation of increasing contraceptive prevalence from 46% to 56%. …


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