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Faisant le constat que l'adolescence est un moment révélateur des inégalités filles-garçons et des discriminations homophobes, le Haut conseil à l'égalité (HCE) considère urgent de généraliser l'éducation à la sexualité, partie prenante de la construction des jeunes en tant que responsable. L'Ecole a une obligation légale en matière d'éducation à la sexualité, mais elle ne peut pas tout toute seule, estime le HCE. …
There is clear evidence that school-based sex education programmes can improve sexual health outcomes. Women who have experienced sex education in schools are less likely to have experienced rape, abortion or distress about sex. Many factors combine to affect health and sex education will not override the determinants of health in general. …
This brochure documents the key elements for the implementation of Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE). Using concrete examples from four countries in West Africa (Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo), the brochure documents promising practices, challenges and lessons learned, and makes key recommendations to be shared with all countries in the region.
El estudio Educación sexual de los hombres: historias de vida de tres generaciones, es una iniciativa de la Dirección General de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa –Digeduca– del Ministerio de Educación de Guatemala –Mineduc–, financiada por la Unesco, que surge de la necesidad de dar continuidad a los esfuerzos realizados por el Ministerio para generar insumos que puedan servir para el diseño de estrategias que focalicen la acción en el ámbito de la educación integral en sexualidad. …
La presente publicación aborda el tema de educación integral de la sexualidad, a partir de la elaboración de un Estado del Arte, que consiste en la recopilación y revisión de información disponible sobre el tema, sus antecedentes históricos generados a nivel internacional en donde las principales acciones surgen dentro del marco de la educación en población, como una preocupación por los acelerados cambios en el crecimiento demográfico. …
This report provides findings from ERO’s evaluation of how well schools were promoting and supporting student wellbeing through sexuality education. It includes high-level findings, examples of good practice and recommendations for schools and policy audiences. It is accompanied by a series of short publications for whänau, students, and trustees.
In this white paper we give an overview of the current state of sexuality education with a focus on Europe and developing countries. We start in chapter 1 with a short introduction on the definition of sexuality and sexuality education and will address several views on and approaches to sexuality education worldwide and the current international policy. We mainly focus on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in schools, although we realise that the scope of sexuality education is broader (for example community based interventions, online information, education by youth workers, etc.). …
The study reviews the laws, policies and related frameworks in 23 countries in East and Southern Africa (ESA) that create either impediments to, or an enabling environment for, adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights. The assessment resulted in the development of a harmonized regional legal framework, which translates international and regional legal provisions into useful strategies. It gives recommendations based on applicable core legal values and principles gleaned from a range of conventions, charters, political commitments, guidelines and declarations. …
With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and in partnership with the South African National Department of Basic Education (DBE), the MEASURE Evaluation project is conducting an impact evaluation of the implementation of scripted lesson plans (SLPs) and supporting activities that were developed to increase the rigor and uniformity of a life skills program for in-school youth. …
This review of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) in Thai educational institutions collected data from students, teachers, guardians, school directors and national policy advocacy stakeholders. Standard international data collection tools were used, with the hope that important information could be gathered to guide the development of school-based CSE implementation in Thailand.
Zambia is one of the twenty countries in the Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) region that affirmed their joint commitment to deliver Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services for young people. There are a number of strategies and policies that support the Implementation of these commitments in Zambia. …
This document contains information on what schools should do and sets out the legal duties with which schools must comply when teaching Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.
Across public junior high schools in 21 Colombian cities, we conducted a randomized evaluation of a mandatory six-month internet-based sexual education course. Six months after finishing the course, we find a 0.4 standard deviation improvement in knowledge, a 0.2 standard deviation improvement in attitudes, and a 55% increase in the likelihood of redeeming vouchers for condoms as a result of taking the course. …
Sexual health policies explicitly aim to encourage young people to take responsibility for their sexuality to prevent adverse outcomes such as unintended pregnancies, STIs and sexual assault. In Europe and North America, ‘choice’ has become a central concept in sexual and reproductive health policy making. However, the concept of choice is not unproblematic, not least because the cultural emphasis on individual responsibility obscures structural limitations and inequalities, and mutual responsibility between partners. …
In January 2018, UNESCO, together with UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF, UN Women, and the WHO, completed the substantial technical and political process of updating the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education, thereby unifying a UN position on rationale, evidence, and guidance on designing and delivering comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).