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This document provides programmatic guidance to help maintain essential preventative, promotive, and curative sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in fragile and humanitarian settings during the COVID-19 epidemic threat and outbreak period; including general guidance, the continuation of sexual and reproductive health services, information and communication, and infection prevention and control.
This thematic segment background note analyses the impact of AIDS on children, adolescents and youth through the life course from childhood to adulthood by age range [0-4] [5-10] [11-14] [15-24]. It also identifies countries and specific thematic areas where notable successes/progress in HIV-related outcomes for children, adolescents, and youth have been achieved and discuss the key factors that led to those successes. …
These guidelines aim to inform the design and implementation of interventions with young key populations (YKP), 15-24 years, specifically young women who sell sex, young men who have sex with men, and young people who inject drugs. The guidelines aim to accelerate the HIV response to end new HIV infections among young key populations. …
This manual is intended as a teacher’s handbook for understanding and delivering integrated school health and nutrition (SHN) interventions. The manual provides materials for classroom-oriented activities aimed at teaching children how to lead healthy lives. It is divided into two parts, the first part introduces SHN to the reader and proffers suggestions of how create an equitable school environment. In the second part, SHN interventions on specific topics (deworming and vision screening) are included as individual modules with guidelines on implementation in schools. …
This report focuses on the implementation and outcomes of the second phase of the School Health Integrated Programming (SHIP) initiative. The overall aim of the initiative is to create a foundation by which countries have the awareness, capacity, and operational and technical resources to include school health and nutrition (SHN) into their education sector plans. The second phase of SHIP focused on the following objectives: 1. Analyze and understand the cost drivers of delivering integrated school-based vision screening and provide guidance for scaling up these interventions; 2. …
This manual provides practical principles and activities for planning and implementing vision screening and deworming in the education sector in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Senegal, based on the School Health Integrated Program (SHIP). The manual is divided into four different sections aimed at different audiences: Part 1: For Global Partnership for Education partners, including donors, country partners, civil society organizations, private organizations, and foundations. Part 2: For Ministry of Education staff who work with school health and nutrition programs. …
The Jamaica National Integrated Strategic Plan for Sexual and Reproductive Health and HIV (NISP) 2014-2019 was developed to direct the implementation of an integrated approach to Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV planning and programming in Jamaica over the next five years. The plan provides a blue print for achieving the vision of an integrated programme while supporting the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Fast-Track strategy to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030. …