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The guide provides references to all national laws and sectoral policies related to child protection and violence prevention and response in educational institutions.
The guide is designed for administrators and the staff of primary, gymnasium and lyceum level general education institutions and secondary and post-secondary professional (vocational) education institutions. It provides information on the nature, causes and consequences of violence and bullying in schools. …
Цели и необходимость информационного сборника для молодежных и студенческих организаций по предотвращению ВИЧ-инфекции, дискриминации и стигматизации людей, живущих с ВИЧ (ЛЖВ) Данный информационный сборник издан в рамках проекта «Укрепление потенциала молодежных и студенческих организаций для профилактики ВИЧ-инфекции среди ключевых групп населения, уязвимых к ВИЧ, и предотвращения стигматизации и дискриминации людей, затронутых эпидемией». Финансирование проекта осуществлено Бюро ЮНЕСКО в г. Москва и Министерством молодежи и спорта Республики Молдова. …
This book presents a UNESCO contest, the main objectives of which were: - To raise awareness among policy-makers, artists, cultural leaders and educational institutions of the importance of utilising cultural approaches in strategies, policies, projects and fieldwork; - To generate discussions on the role of the arts in developing cultural standards and in generating tolerant attitudes towards people living with HIV and AIDS; - To stimulate action among key stakeholders, including art professionals, in HIV and AIDS education and to raise awareness among the general public; - To motivate young …