Category Archives: Child soldiers

No more excuses. Provide education to all forcibly displaced people

By the GEM Report and the UNHCR Education Section Days before the World Humanitarian Summit, we have jointly released a new policy paper, ‘No more excuses’, with new data showing that only 50% of refugee children are in primary school … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Arab States, Child soldiers, Conflict, data, Developing countries, Disaster preparedness, Equality, fragile states, Human rights, immigration, Legislation, Out-of-school children, Primary school, Quality of education, refugees, Refugees and displaced people, sdgs, syria, Uncategorized, violence | Tagged , | 6 Comments

The Impossible, by Malala Yousafzai

The EFA GMR recently updated it’s costing analysis for the price of education targets from 2015-2030. The updated costing paper shows that there is an annual finance gap of $39 billion to provide pre-primary through to upper secondary education. This … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Africa, Aid, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Child soldiers, Conflict, Developing countries, Donors, Early childhood care and education, Economic growth, Finance, Gender, Latin America, Learning, Legislation, Literacy, Marginalization, Nutrition, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Poverty, Pre-primary education, Primary school, Quality of education, Rural areas, sdgs, Secondary school, Teachers | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Hope for Nigeria

On 1 April the election took place in Nigeria for a new President. Today, Mr. Muhammadu Buhari is sworn in as President. This blog looks at the reasons for hope behind the priorities of the new government for education. Countering expectations, no … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Basic education, Child soldiers, Conflict, Democracy | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

The GMR – and how it has contributed to EFA

In 2000 at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal 164 countries pledged to achieve six education goals by 2015.  Participants committed to vastly improve education opportunities for children, youth and adults. Governments and international partners pledged that no country … Continue reading

Posted in Adult education, Africa, Aid, Arab States, Asia, Basic education, Child soldiers, Developed countries, Developing countries, Disaster preparedness, Donors, Early childhood care and education, Equality, Equity, Finance, Gender, Governance, Literacy, Marginalization, mdgs, Millennium Development Goals, Out-of-school children, Post-2015 development framework, Post-secondary education, Poverty, Pre-primary education, Primary school | 4 Comments

Justice for children: Lubanga and Kony are only the tip of the iceberg

By Pauline Rose, director of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report The widespread use of child soldiers – whose damaging effects on education we examined in the 2011 Global Monitoring Report  – came under the global spotlight for the … Continue reading

Posted in Africa, Child soldiers, Conflict, Human rights, Out-of-school children, Sexual violence | 3 Comments

Security Council acts to deter attacks on schools

Français | Español By Kevin Watkins, director of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report The real measure of the Education for All Global Monitoring Report’s impact is not how well it is received by governments, but whether it makes … Continue reading

Posted in Child soldiers, Conflict, Human rights, Sexual violence | 4 Comments

When schools become battlegrounds

Français | Español | العربية Two studies released this week highlight the grim reality that is increasingly dominating conflict zones – and taking a terrible toll on education, as we describe in the forthcoming 2011 Education for All Global Monitoring … Continue reading

Posted in Basic education, Child soldiers, Conflict, Developing countries, Out-of-school children, Poverty, Refugees and displaced people | 1 Comment

Education doesn’t save lives, so why should we care?

Français | Español The hidden crisis: Armed conflict and education, the 2011 Education for All Global Monitoring Report, will be launched on March 1. Patricia Justino, a member of the report’s Conflict Advisory Group, looks at the long-term harm that results … Continue reading

Posted in Aid, Basic education, Child soldiers, Conflict, Developing countries, Donors, Out-of-school children, Refugees and displaced people | 9 Comments

‘Lest we forget’: Child soldiers and Armistice Day

Français | Español Every year on November 11, many people commemorate those who died in the First World War and conflicts since. ‘Lest we forget,’ the phrase that sums up the spirit behind such commemorations, urges us not only to remember … Continue reading

Posted in Child soldiers, Conflict, Developed countries, Developing countries | Leave a comment