One Big Idea Campaign on Inclusion

UNESCO strongly believes that there is no inclusion if millions of people around the world do not feel like they belong in education. Countries committed to achieve inclusive education by 2030 and yet almost a quarter of a billion are still out of school. Therefore, it is important to leave no one behind stepping into the new decade. It is especially relevant now considering that ten years of action towards Education 2030 Agenda left. Another key point is to monitor and evaluate the current situation in education, and take action accordingly.

2020 Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, which is about to launch on 23 June, monitors progress towards education targets in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this regard, GEM Report team starts a campaign for young people to share one big idea how to achieve inclusion in education. The target group for the survey is youth between the ages of 15-34. The GEM Report team will disseminate the best ideas to the world on its podcast.

To submit your idea, please visit the page.
